Campus Recruitment – HR Interview – Do’s and Dont’s of Body Language
Body Language – Dos’ and Don’t s
Research has shown that an interviewer can spot the right candidate within 30 seconds of meeting him. It is an astonishing fact that less than 10% of the communication lies in what you talk. Rest 90% is your body language. The way in which you carry yourself speaks volumes about your personality and attitude. It matters less what you speak and more of how you speak. Also face is the index of mind. Your facial gestures are a reflection of your thoughts. Hence it is very important to show the right body language.
Getting overly excited or extremely nervous can manifest in terms of offensive bodily gestures like sweating, biting nails, shaking limbs, looking away from the interviewer etc. The following section explains the dos’ and don’ts for the body language during the interview.
- Give a hand shake that is very firm and which makes the interviewer feel uncomfortable. Be careful if the interviewer is a lady. Do not extend your hand until she offers a hand shake.
- Stare at your interviewer. This expression makes you look rude and blank.
- Cross your legs which show arrogance.
- Lean back on the chair which shows you are an extremely careless person.
- Shake your limbs which show you are not confident.
- Scratch your head rub your neck or run your fingers through your hair. These are signs of people who are trying to hide things.
- Look around the room or stare continuously at a point.
- Fan yourself even if it is very warm. This shows that you are intolerant to certain situations e.g. getting uncomfortable when some facilities are not provided.
- A firm but a gentle handshake is a welcome gesture.
- Smile confidently.
- Sit straight and face your interviewers.
- If there is more than one person, maintain an equal eye contact with every one.
- Nod your head in agreement. Maintain a comfortable space between you and the interviewer.
- Address the interviewer as sir/ma’am/Mr./Ms., unless specifically requested to address them by their names.
- Dress well. Bid a friendly goodbye.
- Maintain the bodily gestures until you are at a comfortable distance from the place of interview (Outside the campus).
Dress for success:
- Wear neatly ironed clothes.
- Wear a comfortable pair of shoes.
- Be formally dressed. Wear pleasant colors.
- Do not wear excess make up (for women).
- Wear minimal jewelry.
- Maintain a professional hairstyle.
- Maintain neatly manicured nails. ‘
- Do not apply strong perfume/ cologne.
- Men should wear socks and coordinated belts.
Sample HR Interview Questions
- Tell me about yourself.
- How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
- If another company offers you better salary than us, what will be your reaction?
- Where do you see yourself 5 years from now? (Or) What are your short term goals?
- Tell me about a time when you were accountable for a mistake you made. Did you take responsibility for the mistake?
- What is your philosophy towards work?
- What are your greatest strengths?
- What are your greatest weaknesses?
- Do you prefer to work alone or do you work better in groups?
- What are your professional goals?
- What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
- Do you consider yourself successful? Why?
- Who has inspired you in life and why?
- Would you lie for the company?
- What kind of’ person would you refuse to work with?
- Why do you want to join this industry?
- What makes you the best candidate for this position?
- What motivates you to do your best at work?
- What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
- Tell me about your hobbies and pastimes?
- Which is the most unforgettable moment in your life?
- Why should I hire you? (or) Why do you think you are the best candidate?
- What kind of salary do you need?
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