English Grammar Synonyms | Exercises | Notes
A Synonym may be defined as a word that has the same meaning or the same general meaning as a particular word in the same Language or is in some applications a more or less satisfactory application of it. Thus the synonym of a word can be an exact equivalent in meaning or should atleast convey its meaning in one way or the other or should show in what sense it can best be used.
Some important words with their Synonyms.
abandon: desert, for sake, jilt, leave, evacuate, quilt, vacate, abdicate, renounce.
abduct : kidnap, run away with, seize, snatch.
abet : aid, assist, back, condone, help,promote, sanction, support, sustain, uphold.
abeyance : adjournment,deferral, discontinuation, inactivity, intermission, postponement, recess.
abide : accept, bear, brook, endure, dwell, linger, live, lodge, reside, sojourn, persist.
ability : adeptness, aptitude, capability, capacity, competence, dexterity, endowment, expertise.
ablaze : afire, aflame, alight, blazing, burning, fiery, flaming, aglow, brilliant, flashing, gleaming, illuminated, radiant, sparkling.
abstain : avoid, decline, deny, desist,renounce, refrain, withhold, forgo.
abundance : affluence, ampleness, bounty, copiousness, exuberance, profusion, fortune, wealth.
abysmal : bottomless, boundless, complete, deep, extreme, incalculable, profound, vast.
Accede : accept, admit, agree, comply, concede, concur, consent, endorse, assume, attain.
access : admission, admittance, approach, avenue, course, entering, outburst, paroxysm.
acclaim: applaud, approve, celebrate, eulogize, exalt, hail, praise, salute,clapping.
accompany : attend, chaperon, conduct, convoy,squire, usher, supplement.
accord: agree, assent, concur, conform, harmonize, bestow, concede, endow, render, vouchsafe.
accredit : appoint, authorize, certify, depute, endorse, license, recognize, sanction, vouch.
accrue : accumulate, amass, collect, cumulate, hoard, stockpile.
accuse : allege, blame, cite, denounce, impench, incriminate, indict, recriminate.
accustom : acclimatize, acquaint, adapt, descipline , familiarize, habituate, inure.
acme : apex, climax, crown, culmination, pinnacle, summit, zenith.
acquaint : advice, announce, appri8e, disclose, enlighten, notify, reveal, tell.
acquisitive : avaricious, avid, covetous, grabbing, grasping, greedy, predatory, rapacious.
acquit : deliver, discharge, exculpate, exonerate, liberate, compart, conduct, perform.
acrid : caustic, harsh, irritating, pungent, stinging, acrimonious, mordant, nasty, sarcastic, trenchant, vitriolic.
acrimony : bitterness, harshness, churlishness, peevishness, rancour, spleen, tartness, virulence.
actuate : animate, dispose, impel, incite, influence, instigate, prompt, rouse, spur, stimulate.
adamant : determined, firm, immovable, inexorable, intransigent, obdurate, resolute, stubborn, unrelenting, flinty, steely, stony.
adept : adroit, dexterous, masterful, proficient, versed, expert, genius.
adequate : capable, commensurate, competent,requisite, tolerable, sufficient
adhere : cleave, cling, faster, obey, observe, respect.
adieu : conge, goodbye, valediction.
adjourne : defer, delay, discontinue, prorogue.
adjudge : adjudicate, apportion, decree,pronounce.
ad-lib : extemporize, improvise.
admirable : commendable, excellent, exquisite, wonderful, worthy.
admirer : bean, lover, wooer, devotee,enthusiast, votary.
adrift : drifting, unanchored, aimless, amiss, astray.
adroit : clever, cunning, deft, dexterous, ingeneous, nimble, proficient, quick-witted,able
amorous:affectionate, amatory, ardent, enamoured, erotic, fond, passionate, tender.
backer : advocate, angel, benefactor, patron, well-wishers.
baptism : immersion, purification, sprink, ling, debut.
bastion : citadel, defence, fortress, mainstay.
befall: bechance, betide, ensue,supervene, transpire.
bicker : argue, disagree, dispute, scrap,squabble, wrangle.
bishopric : diocese, episcopacy, episcopate , primacy, see.
blaspheme: abuse, anathematize, curse, desecrate, execrate, profane, revile, swear.
baggle : shy, stagger, stantle, fright, demur.
bossy: arrogant, despotic, domineering,imperious, lordly, tyrannical.
breach : break, aperture, charm, cleft, fissure, infraction, infringement, estrangement.
broaden : augment, develop, fatten, spread,stretch.
brood : agonize, dwell, mope, ponder, repine, ruminate.
Canting : hypocritical, msincere,janusfaced,sanctimonious.
catasrophe: affliction, adversity, cataclysm, devastation, disaster, fiasco,culmination
chos: anarchy, bedlam, confusion, disorganization. entropy, tumult, lawlessness,
chastity : celibacy, continence, innocence, modesty, purity. .
clang: bong, chima, clank, clash, jangle,rsound, reverberate.
clan: band, brotherhood, fraternity, gens
clinch : assure, conclude, confirm,determine, secure.
colloquial : conversational, demotic, everyday,familiar, idiomatic, informal, vernacular.
comatose : drowsy, drugged, insensible, lethargic, sleepy, sluggish, torpid.
commotion: ado, agitation, bustle, disorder, disturbance, excitement.
complicate: conThse, entangle, involve, muddle.
concussion: clash, collision, crash, impact.
congenital : constitutional, inborn, innate, inherent, natural, inveterate.
contour : curve, figure, lines, profile, relief.
conviction : assurance, certainty, confidence, ferrour.
corny : dull, feeble, sentimental, stereo typed.
cower : cringe, crouch, fawn, flinch, grovel,sheak, tremble.
creditable : admirable, commendable, deserving, estimable, honourable, loudable.
crest : apex, zenith, pinnacle, summit, ridge.
culminate : climax, close, conclude, finish.
cynical : sarcastic, scornful, sneering, distrustful.
aunt : dismay, alarm, appal, frighten,intimidate, scare, subdue, terrify.
debase : abase, cheapen, degrade, devalue, disgrace.
deed : achievement, act, action, exploit,feat.
deflate: collapse, confract, empty, exhaust, shrink, chasten.
deliberate : cogitate, consult, debate, mediate,ponder, reflect.
deportation: extradition, eviction, exile, tronsportation.
derange : confound, confuse, disarrange,discompose, disconcert, disorder.
deviant : abnormal, bent, deviate, devious,freaky.
diligent : active, attentive, busy, careful,constant.
dire: alarming, appalling, awful,catastrophic, cruel, disastrous.
discreet : careful, cautious, circumspect,diplomatic, judicious, politic,prudent.
dissent : decline, differ, disagree, protest,refuse, disagreement, discord.
ditch : channel, drain, furrow, trench,discord.
dodge : dant, duck, shift, sidestep, avoid, deceive.
doubter : agnostic, disbeliever, sceptic, unbeliever.
downcast : cheerless, daunted, dejected, depressed, discouraged, dismayed.
drudgery : chore, hard work, boring work,menial labour, slavery, slog.
dubious : doubtful, hesitant, uncertain, unconvinced, undecided, unsure,ambiguous
dwell:abide, establish, inhabit, settle, sojourn.
edgy : anxious, irritable, nervous, touchy.
egress : departure, escape, exodus, outlet,withdrawal.
elusive : difficult W catch, shifty, slippery, tricky, baffling, fleeting, puzzling, subtle.
emblem : badge, gest, device, figure, image,representation.
enchant : beguile, bewitch, captivate, charm,delight, enamour, enrapture, fascinate, hypnotize.
endow : award, bestow, confer, donate,enrich, favour, furnish, invest.
enrage: aggrarate, anger incense, incite,inflame, irritate, provoke.
enunciate : articulate, pronounce, speak, vocalize, proclaim, promulgate.
evasine : misleading, elusive, deceptive, devious, dissembling, slippery,sophistical.
exalt: advance, dignify, elevate, honour,promote, acclaim, applaud, extol.
exhilarating: breathtaking, cheering, exalting, exciting, vigorating, stimulating.
expedite : accelerate, advance, assist,dispatch, facilitate, hasten,precipitate.
expound : describe, elucidate, explain,explicate, interpret.
extraneous: accidental, additional, inessential,peripheral, superflous.
facile : adept, adroit, dexterous, effortless,fluent, proficient, uncomplicated.
fame : celebrity, eminence, glory, honour,prominence, renown, repute,stardom.
famine : scarcity, dearth, destitution,hunger, starvation.
fatuous : absurd, asinine, brainless, foolish,inane, ludicrous, lunatic, moronic,stupid, vacuous.
feeble: weak, delicate, etiolated,exhausted, infirm, languid, puny,shilpit.
fierce : barbarous, brutal, cruel, dangerous, ferocious, murderous,passionate, savage.
fishy: doubtful, dubious, funny, improbable, suspect, suspicious,deadpan, dull.
flawless : faultless, impeccable, perfect,unblemished.
foresee : anticipate, divine, envisage,forebode, portend, predict,prophesy, presage.
fortress : castle, citadel, fastness, redoubt,stronghold.
fraternity:brotherhood, association, company, comradship.
fretful: captious, complaining, fractions,irritable, peevish, splenetic, touchy.
fudge: avoid, dodge, evade, fake, falsify
gaiety : animation, blitheness, cheerfulness, elation, exhilaration, glee, humour.
gaudy : bright, brilliant, flashy, florid,garish, glaring, meretricious,showy, vulgar.
gestation : development, evolution, incubation, pregnancy, repening.
gingerly : carefully, cautiously, daintily,fastidiously, hesitantly.
gracious : affable, amiable, beneficent,benevolent, cheritable, chivalrous,cordial.
grimace : face, frown, mouth, scowl, sneer.
grubby : dinty, filthy, frowzy, manky, shabby.
haggle : bargain, barter, beat down, dicker, higgle, dispute, quarrel, wrangle.
haphazard : accidental, arbitrary chance, fluky,random, aimless, careless.
hatred : abomination, animosity, animus,antagonism, antipathy, enmity.
hectic : animated, boisterous, chaotic,frantic, furious, turbulent, wild.
hiatus : break, breach, chasm, discontinuity, interruption, lacuna,rift.
hilarious : amusing, comical, convivial, exhilarated, humorous, jolly, jovial, joyful, joyous.
holocaust : annihilation, carnage, destruction, devastation, massacre.
hurricane : cyclone, gate, storm, tempest, tornado, twister.
idle: dead, empty, gathering, dust,inactive, jobless, redundant.
ignominious: abject, despicable, discreditable,disgraceful, dishonourable, humiliating.
immense : enormous, extensive, giant,gigantic, huge, illimitable,
: interminable, jumbo.
implicated : incriminated, involved, suspected,under suspicion.
impudence : assurance, audacity, boldness,bumptiousness, insolence.
incense : anger, enrage, excite, aroma, balm,fragrance, redolence, scent.
indent : order, request, dint, nick, notch.
inept: awkward, bumbling, bungling, clumsy, gauche, inexpert, maladroit, absurd.
inimical : adverse, antagonistic, antipathetic, contrary, destructive,noxious, hostile.
insolent : abusive, bold, contemptuous,impertinent, impudent, insulting, rude, saucy.
instigate : actuate, encourage, forment, impel, incite, influence, provoke, persuade.
intrusive : disturbing, forward, importunate,interfering, invasive, officious.
itchy : eager, edgy, fidgety, impatient, restive, restless, unsettled.
jaunty : airy, breezy, buoyant, carefree, dapper, gay, lively, perky, showy,smart.
jurisdiction : authority, command, control,influence, prerogative, sway.
keepsake : emblem, favour, memento, relic,reminder, souvenir, symbol, token.
lággard : dawdler, idler, lingerer, loafer,loiterer, lounger, slowcoach.
latch : bar, bolt, catch, fastening, lock,sneck.
languid : drooping, faint, feeble, pining,sickly.
link: component, constituent, division,association, attachment.
meander : ramble, snake, straying, stroll,wander, bend, curve, loop, twist.
melancholy : dejection, depression, despondency, gloom.
mudeIle : confuse, disarrange, disorder,disorganize, jumble, scramble, spoil, tangle.
nostalgic : homesick, longing, regretful, sentimental, wistful.
nugget : chunk, chump, hunk, lump, mass,piece.
obnoxious : abhorrent, abominable, detestable, disagreeable, disgusting, hateable, horrid.
onerous : burdensome, crushing, demanding, difficult, exciting, exhausting, exigent.
ossify: fossilize, freeze, harden, indurate, petrify, solidify, stiffen.
overly : exceedingly, excessively, inordinately, unduly.
palter : be evasive, deceive, equivocate,fudge, hedge, mislead, shuffle.
paw: grab, handle, roughly, manhandle,maul, molest.
percolate : drain, drip, exude, filter, leache, ooze, penetrate, permeate, pervade.
piety: devotion, dutifulness, faith, grace, piousness, religion, sanctify, veneration.
predispose : affect., bias, dispose, incline, induce, influence, lead, prejudice, prompt, sway.
pudding : dessert, sweet.
quandary : bewilderment, stick, delicate, situation, difficult, dilemma, embarrassment.
quiver : agitate, o8dilIate, palpitate, pulsate,
shudder, tremble, vibrate.
rapt : absorbed, carried away, enthralled, entranced, fascinated, gripped, intent,
recondite : abstruse, arcane, concealed,esoteric, involved, mysterious.
remiss : careless, culpable, delinquent, derelict, qilitory, forgetful,heedless, slack.
reveal : announce, betray, broadcast, communicate, disclose, divulge, impart, proclaim.
rowdy : bristerous, disordely, loutish, noisy, unruly, uproarious, brawler.
sage: acute, canny, intelligent,judicious, polite, prudent, sagacious.
scern: contempt, de8pite, disdain, disparagement, slight, sneer, curl, condemn.
shake: fluctuate, bump, joggle, jounce, quake, shiver, shudder, totter, tremble.
sinner : offender, reprobate, trespasser.
snigger : giggle, laugh, smirk, sneer, titter.
sordid : dirty, filthy, foul, seamy, seedy, sleazy, slummy, squalid, wretched.
stimulus : encouragement, incentive, incitement, inducement, provocation.
tepid : slightly warm, luke warm.
timid : afraid, bashful, cowardly, diffident.
trifling : empty, frivolous, idle, inconsiderable, minuscule, paltry, petty,
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unmask : disclose, discover, expose, reveal,unveil.
urbane : civil, civilized, cosmopolitan, courteous, cultivated, debonair.
vehement : ardent, eager, earnest, emphatic,enthusiastic, fervent, fervid, fierce,forcible.
weired : bizarre, creepy, cerie, freakish, hostly, mysterious, queer, spooky.
wobble: quake, shake, sway, teeter, totter, tremble, vibrate, waver.
writhe : content, distant, jerk, struggle,thrash, wiggle, twist, wriggle.
yearn : ache, covet, crave, desire, hanker,hunger, itch, languish.
zenith: acme, apex, apogee, climax, height,meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit,top.
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