General Awareness Literature |Questions & Answers | Notes
Books and Authors (General)
Books | Authors |
A Bend in the River | Sir V.S. Naipaul |
A Brief Histroy of Time | Stephen Hawking |
A China Passage | John Kenneth Galbraith |
A Critique of Pure Reason | Immanuel Kant |
A Dangerous Place | Daniel Patrick Moynihan |
A Farewell to Arms | Ernest Hemingway |
A Fine Balance | Robinson Mistry |
Akbarnama A Midsummer Night’s | Abul Fazal |
Dream | William Shakespeare |
A Million Mutinies now | V.S.Naipaul |
A Passage to England | Nirad C. Chaudhuri |
A Passage to India | E.M.Forster |
A Prisoner’s Scrapbook A Strange and Sublime | L.KAdvani |
Address | Amit Chaudhary |
A Streetcar Named Desire | Tennesse Williams |
A Suitable Boy | Vikram Seth |
Asian Drama | Gunnar Myrdal |
As You Like It | William Shakespeare |
A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens |
A Thousand Suns | Dominique Lapierre |
A Week with Gandhi | Louis Fischer |
A Woman’s Life | Guy de Maupassant |
Absolute power | David Baldacci |
Adonis | PB.Shelley |
Holmes | Arthur Conan Coyle |
Adventures of Tom Sawyer | Mark Twain |
Afternoon Raag | Amit Chaudhary |
Ain-i-Akbari | Abul Fazal |
Airport | Arthur Hailey |
Alice in Wonderland | Lewis Carrol |
All Quiet on the Western | Erick Maria |
Front | Remarque |
All the President’s men | Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward |
An Area of Darkness | Sir V.S.Naipaul |
An Autobiography | Jawaharlal Nehru |
Anandmath | Bankim Chandra Chatterjee |
Animal Farm | George Orwell |
Anotony and Cleopatra | William Shakespeare |
Anna Karenina Around the World in | Leo Tolstoy |
Eighty Days | Jules Verne |
Arthashashtra | Kautilya |
August 1914 | Alexander Solzhenitsyn |
Unknown Indian | Nirad C.Choudhuri |
Being Digital | Nicholas Negroponte |
Beginnng of the Beginning | Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh |
Beloved | Toni Morrison |
Ben Hur | Lewis Wallace |
Bhawat Bhanati Black Holes & | Maithali Saran Gupta |
Baby Universes Bliss Was it in that | Stephen Hawking |
Dawn | Minoo Masani |
Blood, brain and beer | David Ogilvy |
Born Free | Joy Adamson |
Brave New World Bread, Beauty and | Aldous Huxley |
Revolution | Khwaja Ahmed Abbas |
Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
The speed of Bubble | Mulk Raj Anand |
Thought | Bill Gates |
Candida | George Bernard Shaw |
Candide | Voltaire |
Catch – 22 | Joseph Heller |
Catcher in the Rye | J.D.Salinger |
Chandalika | Rabindra Nath Tagore |
Chemmeen | Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai |
Cherry Orchard | Antony Chekov |
Chitra | Rabindra NathTagore |
Foretold | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
City of Joy | Dominique Lapierre |
City of Djinns | William Dalrymple |
Comedy of Errors | William Shakespeare |
Communist Manifesto | Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels |
Confessions | J.J. Rousseau |
Confessions of a Lover | Mulk Raj Anand |
Confidential Clerk | T.S.Eliot |
Conquest of Self | Mahatma Gandhi |
Coolie | Mulk Raj Anand |
Count of Monte Cristo | Alexander Dumas |
Crscent Mom | Rabindra Nath Tagore |
Critical Mass Crossing the Threshold | William E.Burrows, Robert Windrem |
Cry, The Beloved | Pope John Paul II |
Country | Alan Paton |
Das Kapital | Karl Marx |
David Copperfield | Charles Dickens |
Days of My Years | H.P.Nanda |
Descent of Man | Charles Darwin |
Devdas | Sharat Chandra Chatteijee |
Diana : The True Story | Andrew Morton |
Diplomacy | Henry Kissinger |
Disclosure | Michael Crichton |
Discovery of India – | Jawahariai Nehru |
Divine Comedy | Dante Alighieri |
Doctor Zhivago f | Boris Pasternak |
Don Juan . | Lord Byron |
Don Quixote Dr. Jerkhyll and | Miguel de Cervantes |
Mr. Hyde | Robert Louis Strevenson |
Earth in the Balance | Forging a New |
Common Purpose | A1 Gore |
Ends and Means | Aldous Huxley |
English August | Upamanyu Chatteijee |
Essays on Gita Ethics for the New | Sri Aurobindo Ghosh |
Millenium | The Dalai Lama |
Expanding Universe Far from the Madding | Arthur Stanely Eddington |
Crowd | Thomas Hardy |
First Circle Food, Nutrition and | Amitav Ghosh , |
Poverty in India | V.KR.V. Rao |
For whom The Bell Tolli | i Ernest Hemingway |
Freedom at Midnight | Dominique Lapierre and Larry Collins |
French Revolution | Thomas Carlyle |
Friends and Foes | Sheikh Mujibur Rehman |
Ganadevata | Tara Shankar Bandhopadhyaya |
Gandhi and Stalin | Louis Fischer |
Gardener | Rabindranath Tagore |
Gathering Strom | Winston Churchill |
Ghasiram Kotwal | Vijay Tendulkar |
Gitanjali | Rabindra Nath Tagore |
History | Jawahar Lai Nehru |
Godan | Prem Chand |
Golden Threshold | Sarojini Naidu |
Gone with the Wind. | Margaret Mitchell |
Good Earth | Pearl S.Buck |
Grapes and the Wind | Pablo Neruda |
Great Expectations | Charles Dickens |
Great Gatsby | Scott Fitzgerald |
Guide | R.KNarayan |
Gulliver’s Travels | Jonathan Swift |
Gypsi Masala | Preethi Nair |
Haifa Life | Sir V.S.Naipaul |
Hamlet | William Shakespeare |
Harry Potter and the Harvest | Manjula Padmanabhan |
Goblet of Fire | J.K. Rowling |
Heat and Dust | Ruth Prawer Jhabwala |
Hart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad |
Heir Apparent | Dr.Karan Singh |
Himalayan Blunder | Brigadier J.P.Dalvi |
Hindu View of Life | Dr.S.Radha Krishnan |
Hinduism | Nirad C.Choudhuri |
Orchard | Kiran Desai |
Dame | Victor Hugo |
Hungry Stones | Rabindranath Tagore |
Idols | Sunil Gavaskar |
If I am Assassinated | Z.A. Bhutto |
If only | Geri Halliwell |
Illiad | Homer |
In Evil Hour | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
In Search of Gandhi | Richard Attenborough |
India Changes | Taya Zinkin |
India Discovered | John Keay |
India Divided | Rajendra Prasad |
India : Emerging Power India – Another | Stephen Philip Cohen |
Millenium | Romila Thapar |
India Unbound | Gurcharan Das |
India of Our Dreams | M.V. Kamath |
India Wins Freedom | Abdul Kalam Azad |
India’s Priceless Heritage | N.A.Palkhivala |
Intrpreter of Maladies | Jhumpa Lahiri |
Invisible Man | H.G. Wells |
Mankind and Mother Earth | Arnold Tonybee |
Men Eire from IVIsrs, | |
Women are from Venus | John Gray |
Mein Kampf | Adolf Hitler |
Merchant of Venice | William Shakespeare |
Midnight’s Children | Salman Rushdie |
Moon walk | Michael Jackson |
Mother India | Katherine Mayo |
Mother | Maxim Gorky |
Much Ado about Nothing | William Shakespeare |
My Days | R.KNarayan |
My Life and Times | V.VGiri |
My Music, My Life | Pt. Ravi Shankar |
My Presidential Years | R. Venkataraman |
My Son’s Father | Dom Moroes |
My Struggles | E.KNayanar |
My Truth | Indira Gandhi |
Nana | Emile Zola |
Nehru Gandhi | Katherine Frank |
New Dimensions of India’s Foreign Policy | A.B.Vajpayee |
Nice Guys Finish Second | B.K. Nehru |
Nineteen Eighty Four | George Orwell |
No Full Stops in India | Mark Tully |
Nostro mo | Joseph Conrad |
0 Jerusalem | Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre |
Odyssey | Homer |
Of ,Human Bondage | W.Somerset Maugham |
Oliver Twist | Charles Dickens |
One World and India | Arnold Tonybee |
Operation Bluestar The True Story | Lt. Gen KS.Brar |
Origin of Species | Charles Darwin |
Othello | William Shakespeare |
Our Films Their Films | Satyajit Ray |
Paddy Clark Ha Ha Ha | Rodney Doyle |
Painter of Signs | R.KNarayan |
Paradise Lost | John Milton |
People Like US | Pavan Varma |
Peter Pan | J.M.Barrie |
Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens |
Plain Speaking | N.Chadrababu Naidu |
Plague | Albert Camus |
Portrait of India | Ved Mehta |
Post Office | Rabindra Nath Tagore |
Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen |
Prince | Niccolo Machiavelli |
Prison Diary | Jayaprakash Narayan |
Profiles in courage | John F. Kennedy |
Pygmalion | G.B.Shaw |
Ram Charit Manas | Tulsidas |
Rangbhoomi | Prem Chand |
Rape of Bangladesh | Anthony Mascarenhas |
Ravan and Eddie | Kiran Nagarkar |
Rebel, The | Albert Camus |
Red Earth & Pouring Rain | Vikram Chandra |
Red Star over China | Edgar Snow |
Riot: A Novel . | Shashi Tharoor |
Rise and fall of the Third Reich | William L. Shirer |
Robinson Crusoe | Daniel Defoe |
Romeo and Juliet | William Shakespeare |
Rubaiyat -1 – Omar khayyam | Edward Fitzger |
Saket | Maithili Sharan Gupta |
Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Seven Summers | Mulk Raj Anand |
Shakuntala | Kalidas |
Sohrab and Rustum | Mathew Arnold |
Sons and Lovers | D.H.Lawrence |
Sophie’s Choice | William Styron |
Straight from the Gut | Jack Welch |
Sun Stone | Octavio Paz |
Sunny Days | Sunil Gavaskar |
Swami and Friends | R.KNarayan |
TorffOW AT +Ka A T\ACl xcLiijCLii vi t/iic n^/co | Edger Ricg Burroughs |
Tender is the Night | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
The Affluent Society | J.KGalbraith |
The Age of Reason | Jean Paul Sartre |
The Applecart | G.B.Shaw |
The Bride’s book of Beautv | Mulk Rai Anand |
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