General Awareness World | Questions & Answers | Notes
About the World
• Total surface area of the Earth is 510,100,500 sq. km of which 29.1 percent (148,950,800 sq. km) is land area and the rest 70.9% (361,149,700 sq. km) is water.
• World population in 2000 has been estimated at 6067 million. The Population Division of UN projects that world population will grow to 8.9 billion by 2050.
• China is the most popular country accounting for 21 percent of the world population, followed by India with 16 percent.
• Vatican City is at the other extreme with a population of 900 only.
Russia is the largest country in terms of area (1,70,75,000 sq. km) while the smallest is Vatican City (0.4 sq. km)
Biggest States in Area
State | Area ( |
Russia | 17,075,000 |
Canada | 9,976,139 |
China | 9,561,000 |
USA | 9,372,614 |
Brazil | 8,511,965 |
Australia | 7,682,300 |
India | 3,287,263 |
Argentina | 2,776,654 |
Kazakshtan | 2,717,300 |
Sudan | 2,505,813 |
Smallest States in Area
State | Area( | Location |
Vatican City | 0.44 | Europe |
Monaco | 1.95 | Europe |
Nauru | 21.10 | S. Pacific |
Tuvalu | 26.00 | S. Pacific |
San Marino | 61.00 | Europe |
Liechtenstein 1 | 60.00 | Europe |
Marshall Islands | 181.00 | C. Pacific |
St. Kitts-Nevis | 269.00 | E. Caribbean |
Maldives | 298.00 | Indian Ocean |
Malta | 316.00 | Mediterranean |
Name of the Continent | BigCountry | SmallCountry | Highest ” peaks | LongestRivers | Depth of the Lake/Sea |
Asia | China | Maldweep | MT. Everest (8848 m) | Yangsi | Dead sea (397 m) |
Africa | Canada | Maoto | MT.Kilimanjaro (5895 m) | Nile | Asailake ‘ (756 m) |
N. America | Sudan | Saintpere | MT. Makinley (6194 m) | Missauri | Death Valley (86 m) |
S. America | Brazil | Falkland | Mt. Ozosdel ado (7084 m) | Amezon | Baldspenin (40 m) |
Europe | Russia | Veticancity | Mt. Alburge (5642 m) | Obe | Caspean sea (28 m) |
Australia | Australia | Narve | Mt. Cossisco (2228 m) | Darling | Ire lake (16 m) |
Antarctica | Mt. vinsion- masik(5140 m) |
Bays of the World
Name of the Bay | Area in Sq. km |
Bay of Maxico | 15,44,000 |
Bay of Hudson | 12,33,000 |
Bay of Arabia | 2,38,790 |
Bay of Saint Lawrence | 2,37,760 |
Bay of California | 1,62,000 |
English Channel | 89,900 |
Great Oceans of the World
Name of the Oceans | Area in Sq. km | Depth in meter |
Pacific oceanAtlantic ocean Indian OceanArctic ocean | | Mariana 11,776 mPurtorico 9200 mSunda-7,450m5,450 m |
Main Seas of the World
Name of the sea | Name of the deep place | Area in sq. km. |
South Chinese sea | West of new zone | 29,74,600 |
Mediterranean sea | Capematporm | 25,05,000 |
Caribbean sea | Camen island | 19,43,000 |
Eastern Chinese sea | — | 12,48,000 |
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North sea | Skajanrak | 5,75,000 |
Black sea | • — | 4,61,000 |
Red sea | Port Sudan | 4,38,000 |
Baltic sea | Gonand | 4,22,000 |
Yellow sea | — | 4,04,000 |
Main Rivers of The World
Name of the river | Place of origin | Rivermouth | Length |
Nile | Victoria lake | Mediterranean sea | 6690 |
Amezon | Glacions lake | Atlantic ocean | 6296 |
Mississippi | Darok (America) | Gulf of Mexico | 6240 |
Yangstze | Plateau of Tibet | China sea | 5797 |
Congo | The estuary of Lualaya and Layapula rivers | Atlantic | 4371 |
Yanisi | Mt. Tanuosa | Arctic ocean | 4506 |
Amoor | Estuary of shilka and Argoon | Tater strait | 4352 |
Makengi | Mouth of Finley river | Bufort sea | 4241 |
Niger | Guina (Africa) | Gulf of Guina | 4184 |
Mikangi | Plateau of Tibet | South China sea | 4023 |
Mississippi | Itasa lake (Minisota) | Gulf of Mexico | 3779 |
Volaga | Blandai Plateau (Russia) | Atlantic ocean | 3687 |
Sanfrancisco | .‘Minasgates (Brazil) | Cuspean sea | 3198 |
Saint Lawrance | Ontario Lake | Gulf of St Lawrance | 3058 |
Brahmaputra | Mansarover lake | Bay of Bengal | 2900 |
Indus | Mansarover lake | Arabian Sea | 2880 |
Danabe | Black forest (Germany) | Black sea | 2842 |
Farrat | Extuary ofKarasun & Murat Nehri | Arabian sea | 2799 |
Murrey | Asutralian Alps | Indian Ocean | 2589 |
Nelson | Upper Bo river | Bay of Hudson | 2575 |
Ganga | Gomukh glacier | Bay of Bengal | 2077 |
Salwin | Tibet | The bay of Martwan | 2414 |
Arconsa | Middle Coloredo | R. Mississippi | 2348 |
Coloredo | Grand Currenti | R. Mississippi | 2333 |
Niper | Mt. Bladai | Black sea | 2284 |
Irawadi | Eastuary of Mali Nami, River (Myanmar) | Bay of Bengal | 2092 |
Orange | Mt. Lisopo | Atlantic | 2062 |
Columbi | Mt. Columbi | Pacific ocean ■ | 1983 |
Cities situated on the banks of the river
Name of the city | River |
Baghdad (Iraq) | Tigris |
Belgrade (Yugoslavia) | Danube |
Berlin (Germany) | Spri |
Budapest (Hungry) | Danube |
Perth (Australia) | Swan |
Washington (U.S.A.) | Potomac |
Warshow (Poland) | Vistula |
Viena (Austria) | Danube |
Tokiyo (Japan) | Arakav |
St. Louse (U.S.A.) | Mississippi |
Sanghai (China) | Yangtsikiang |
Rome (Italy) | Tiber |
Rangoon (Myanmar) | Irawadi |
London (England) | Thames |
Otava (Canada) | St. Lawrance |
Paris (Frace) | Seine |
New York (U.S.A.) | Hudson |
Mascow (Russia) | Mascowa |
Madrid (Spain) | Manjnear |
Prag (Lzechoslavia) | Vitawa |
Lisban (Purtgal) | Tagus |
Lahaur (Pakistan) | Ravi |
Burius Eires (Arzertina) | Laplate |
Ankora (Turky) | Kizil |
Kahira (Egypt) | Nile |
Chicago (U.S.A.) | Chechage |
Liverpool (England) | Masei |
Bristel (England) | Avon |
Colone (Germany) | Rhine |
Basara (Iraq) . | Dajla & Farat |
Montrial (Canada) | St. Lawrence |
Laningrade (Russia) | Neva |
Sidney (Australia) | Darling |
Kev (Russia) | Niper |
Stalingrad (Russia) | Volga |
Moulmin (Burma) | Salvin |
Abyabu (Burma) | Irawada |
Country-Capital and Coin
Country | Capital | Coin |
India | New Delhi | Rupiya |
Bangladesh | Dhaka | Taka |
Bhutan | Thimpu | Ngultrum & Rupee |
Nepal | Kathmandu | Nepale Rupee |
Myanmar(Burma) | Rangoon | Kyat |
Pakistan | Islamabad | Rupya |
Afganistan | Kabul | Afgani |
China | Beijing | Yuan |
Sri Lanka | Colombo | Rupya |
Iran | Tehran | Rial |
Iraq | Baghdad | Dinar |
Indonasia | Jakarta | Rupya |
Bahrin | Manama | Dinar |
Mongolia | Ulanbatore | Tugrik |
Malaysia | Kuala lam pur | Ringgit |
Maidive | Male | Rupya |
Kuwait | Kuwait city | Dinar |
Veitnam | Hanoi | Dong |
Tiwan | Taipea | Dollar |
Thailand | Bangkok | Bahat |
Turkey | Ankora | Lira |
Israel | Jerusalem | New Shekel |
Jordan | Amman | Dinar |
Quatar | Doha | Rial |
Cambodia | Phompehn | Rial |
N. Korea | Phyongyang | Won |
S. Korea | Seoul | Won |
Japan | Tokyo | Yen |
Cyprus | Nikosia | Pound |
Hongkong | Victoria | Dollar |
Oman | Muskat | Rial |
Phillippines | Manilla | Peso |
Seria | Damuscuss | Pound |
U. A. E. | Abudhabi | Derham |
Saudi Arabia | Riyad | Dollar |
Singapur | Singapur | Dollar |
Superlative world
Biggest/Smallest/Highest | Country |
Biggest continent | Asia |
Smallest continent | Australia |
Biggest ocean | Pacific ocean |
Deepest ocean | Pacific Ocean |
Biggest city | London |
Biggest country | Russia |
Smallest country | Vatican city |
Most populated country | China |
Biggest democratic country | India |
Least populated country | Macao |
Densest city | Tokyo |
Most populated city | Vatican city |
Country of longest boundary | Canada |
Biggest Island | Greenland |
Least populated country | Canada |
Country of smallest boundary | Gibraltor |
Most broadest country | China |
Biggest group of island | Indonesia |
Biggest river island | Island-Majuli (Arahmapeetra) |
Biggest delta | Sunder van (India) |
Biggest river | R. Nile |
Broadest river | Amazon |
Smallest river | D. River (U.S.A.) |
Biggest sea | South China sea |
Biggest bay | Hudson-bay |
Biggest gulf | Mexico-Gulf |
Busiest tratle river | Rhine river |
Under sea current river | Cromwell Current |
Biggest river mouth | Mouth of the R. Obe (Russa) |
Biggest canal | Suej Canal |
Busiest canal . | Keel Canal |
Biggest lake (Salt water) | Caspean sea |
Biggest fresh water lake | Superior lake |
Deepest lake | Baikal lake |
Highest lake | Titicaca (S. America) |
Biggest lagoon | Lagoa-Dos-Patos (Brazil) |
Highest water falls | SaltoAngil (Carona R. Venezuala) |
Biggest water falls | Guara(R. Parana) |
Broadest water falls | Davis is thomus |
Narrowest channel | Between Greece & Yobia island |
Broadest channel | Davis Channel |
Highest peak | Everest |
Highest mountain ranges | Himalayas |
Longest mountain ranges | Andes ranges |
Highest plateau | Pamir plateau |
Lowest hills | Buket Tamson hills (Brunai) |
Highest volcano | Mt.Kotopexi (Equador) |
Vastest volcano | Mauna Lao (Hawai island) |
Highest dam | Ronguski (Russia) |
Biggest dam | Grand Cooli dam (R. Columbia) |
Longest railway platform | Kharagpur (W. Bengal) |
Biggest railway-station | Grand central terminal (New York) |
Longest railway | Trans Siberian railway |
Highest railway station | Sondor (Bolikia) |
Biggest railway tunnel | Siken railway tunnel (Japan) |
Longest road tunnel | St. Gothard (Switzerland) |
Biggest road bridge | Mahatma Gandhi Bridge (Patna) |
Longest national highway | Trans Canadian national highway |
Highest city | Venchuan (Tibet) |
Highest capital | Lapaz (Bolivia) |
Biggestbogg | Prepet bogg (Siberia) |
Biggest desert | Great Sahara desert (Africa) |
Biggest desert in Asia | Gobi desert |
Coldest place | Berkhoyask (Siberia) |
Biggest mosque | Jama Mosque (Delhi) |
Highest mosque | Sultan Hussain Mosque |
Highest minarret | Qutub Minar |
Biggest church | Basilica of St. Peter (Vetican city) |
Biggest building | Vatican city Palace |
Biggest tower | C.N.Tower (Torento) |
Longest wall | Wall of China |
Biggest stadium | Star-hoke |
Biggest indoor stadium | Super dam Luciana (U.S.A.) |
Wettest place | Mawsynram(Meghalaya) |
Biggest bell-tower | Great bell of Moscow |
Biggest port | New York |
Biggest aerodrome | Khalid air port road (Saudi Arab) |
Biggest dome | Luciana super dome (U.S.A.) |
Biggest temple | Ankorwat temple (Combodia) |
Biggest statue | Statue of Liberty (U.S.A.) |
Biggest museum | British museum |
Biggest Library | Congress library (U.SA) |
Biggest zoo | Cruger national park (S. Africa) |
Biggest pianetorium | Miyajhanki (Japan) |
Biggest palace | Imperial palace (Beiging) |
Biggest official building | Pentagon (U.S.A.) |
Longest tree | Founder tree (California) |
Biggest bird | Ostrich |
Smallest bird | Humming bird |
Wisest animal | Chimpanzee |
Biggest Dam | Grand Be (USA) |
Biggest Dome | Gol Gumbaz (India) |
Biggest Museum | American Museum of Natural History,New York |
Biggest Palace | Vatican |
Highest Airport | Lhasa (Tibet) |
Highest Waterfall | Angel (Venezuela) |
Largest Archipelago | Indonesia (3,000 Islands) |
Largest Bird | Ostrich |
Largest City (Population) | Tokyo (Japan) |
Largest Creature | Blue Whale |
Largest Dam | Grand Coulee- Concrete Dam (USA) |
Largest Delta | Sunderbans (India) |
Largest Electorate | India |
Largest Forest | Coniferous Forest of Northern CIS |
Largest Lake (Fresh Water) | Lake Superior (Canada) |
Largest Lake (Salt Water) | Caspian Sea |
Largest Mosque | Jama Masjid, Delhi (India) |
Largest Penisula | Arabia (Area – 3,250, 000 sq km) |
Largest Railway Platform | Kharagpur, West Bengal, (India) |
Largest Satellite | South China Sea |
Largest Sea-bird | Albatross |
Largest Temple | Angkor Vat (Combodia) |
Largest Zoo | Etosha Reserve (South West Africa) |
Longest Epic | Mahabharata |
Longest Wall | Great Wall of China |
Smallest Bird | Humming Bird |
Tallest Animal | Giraffe |
Tallest Fountain | Fountain Hills (Arizona) |
Tallest Minaret | Qutab Minar, Delhi (Free standing) |
Fastest Animal | The Peregrine Falcon |
Fastest Bird | Swift |
Coldest Place | PolyusNedostupnosti(Antarctica) |
Driest Place | Death Valley (California) |
Hottest Place | Azizia (libya) |
Wettest Place | Cherrapunji (India) |
Brightest Planet | Venus |
Brightest Star | Sirius (also called the Dog Star) |
Lakes of The World
Name of lake | Related area | Area in sq. km |
Caspian lake | East Russia Iran | 3,93,898 |
Superior lake | U.S.A.Canada | 82,814 |
Victoria lake | KenyaUgandaTanzania | 69,485 |
Aral sea lake | Soviet Russia | 68,682 |
Huron lake | U.S.A.Canada | 59,596 |
Michigan lake | U.S.A. | 58,016 |
Tanganica lake | Tanjania,ZambiaZaire | 32,893 |
Great Barrier lake | Canada | 31,792 |
Baikal lake | U.S.S.R. | 31,492 |
Great Slavelak | ; Canada | 28,438 |
Erie lake | U.S.A.Canada | 25,745 |
Winnipeg lake | Canada | 28,438 |
Malawi lake | MalaviMozambique | 23,310 |
Ontario lake | U.S.S.R. | 19,520 |
Balkash lake | U.S.S.R. | 18,260 |
Ladoga lake | Soviet Republic | 18,130 |
Chad lake | NigiraiNigerChad | 15,540 |
Onega lake | Soviet Republic | 9,842 |
Ere lake | Australia | 9,842 |
Rudolflake | Kennya | 9,065 |
Torance lake | Australia | 5,698 |
Mountain Peaks of the World
Name of Peak | Country | Height in mt. |
Everest | Nepal | 8,848 |
K2 (Godwin | ||
Austin) | India | 8,611 |
Kanchen junga | India Nepal | 8,600 |
Lahatsa | Nepal | 8,501 |
Makalu | Nepal | 8,475 |
Dhaulagiri | Nepal | 8,172 |
Nanga (Naked) | ||
Parvat | Pakistan | 8,120 |
Annapurna | Nepal | 8,078 |
Gasherbrum | Pakistan | 8,068 |
Gosainthan | China | 8,013 |
Nanda Devi | India | 7,813 |
Raka Poshi | Pakistan | 7,756 |
Commet | Indo China | 7,756 |
Namehaburg | China | 7,756 |
Gurl Mandhata | China | 7,728 |
Important National and International Days
Date and Month | Festival |
12 th January | National youth day |
26th Jan | Republic day |
30th Jan | Shahid – day (Sacrifice) |
28th Feb | National Science day |
4th March | National defence day |
8th March | International women day |
14th of March | World-Consumers’-day |
21th March | World deformed/cripled day |
23rd March | World weather day |
27th March | World theatre-day |
1st of April | Fools day |
5th of April | Equality day |
7th April | World Health day |
10th April | Water-resources-day |
18th April | World Inheritage day |
22nd April | World earth’s day |
1st of May | May-day/world labour day |
8th of May | World Red-Cross-Day |
1 July | Doctors’ day |
11 July | World population day |
6 August | Hiroshima-day/World peace day |
9 August | NagaSaki-day |
14 August | World-Youths day |
15 August | Independence day |
29 August | National sports day |
1 September | Non-alignment day |
5 September | Teacher’s day |
14 September | Hindi-day |
15 September | Engineers’ day |
27 September | World Tourism day |
2 October | Gandhi-Shastri Jayanti |
5 October | World Animal day |
9 October | Postal day |
24 October | U.N.O. day |
7 November | Child protection day |
10 November | Communication day |
12 November | National birds day |
14 November | Child day |
8 December | Girls’ day |
11 December | UNICEF day |
25 December | Christmas |
Geographical Names : Old and New
New Names | Old Names |
Banjul | Bathurst |
Beijing | Peking |
Belize | British Honduras |
Benin | Dahomey |
Botswana | Beuchuanaland |
Burkina Faso | Upper Volta |
Cambodia | Kampunchea, Khmer |
Chennai | Madras |
Congo | Zaire |
Ethopia | Abyssinia |
Ghana | Gold Coast |
Guyana | British Guiana |
Hanoi | Kecho |
Harare | Salisbury |
Ho Chi Minh city | Saigon |
Indonesia | The Nethrlands (Dutch) |
Iran | Persia |
Iraq | Mesopotamia |
Jakarta | Bolavia |
Kalaallit Nunaat | Greenland |
Kinshna | Leopoldville |
Korea | The Hermit Kingdom |
Laos | Lanxang |
Lesotho | Basutoland |
Malawi | Nyasaland |
Malabo | Santa Isabel |
Mumbai | Bombay |
Myanmar | Burma |
Namibia | South West Africa |
Nauru | Pleasant Island |
Oslo | Christiana |
SriLanka | Ceylon |
Stalingrad | Volgograd |
St. Petersburg | Leningred |
Suriname | Dutch Guyana |
Taiwan | Formosa |
Tuvalu . | The Ellice Islands |
Vanuatu | The New Hebrides |
Zapibia | Northern Rhodesia |
Zimbabwe | Southern Rodesia |
Famous Sites – World
Site | Location |
Ai-Aqsa | Jerusalem |
Big Ben | London |
Brandenburg Gate | Berlin |
Broadway | New York |
Brown House | Berlin |
Buckingham Palace | London |
Colosseum | Rome |
Downing street | London |
Eiffel Tower | Paris |
Fleet Street | London |
Harley Street | London |
Hyde Park | London |
India House | London |
Kaaba | Mecca |
Kremlin | Moscow |
Leaning Tower | Pisa |
Louvre | Paris |
Merdeka Palace | Jakarta |
Oval | London |
Pentagon | Washington |
Potah | Nanking |
Pyramids | Egypt |
Red Square | Moscow |
Scotland Yard | London |
Shaw-Dragon-Pagoda | Yangon |
Sphinx | Egypt |
Statue of Liberty | New York |
Vatican | Rome |
Wailing Wall | Jerusalem |
Wail Street | New York |
West Minister Abbey | London |
White Hall | London |
White House | Washington |
National Emblems of Different Countries
Country | Emblem |
Australia | Kangaroo |
Bangladesh | Water Lily |
Belgium | Lion |
Canada | White Lily |
Chile | Candor and Huemal |
Denmark | Beach |
France | Lily |
Germany | Corn Flower |
Hong Kong | Bauhinia (Orchid Tree) |
India | Lion Capitol Iran Rose |
Ireland | Shamrock |
Israel | Candelabrum |
Italy | White Lily |
Japan | Chrysanthemun |
Lebanon | Cedar Tree |
Luxembourg | Lion with Crown |
New Zealand | Southern Cross, Kiwi, Fern |
Norway | Lion |
Pakistan | Crescent |
Sierra Leone | Lion |
Spain | Eagle |
Sri Lanka | Lion |
Syria | Eagle |
The Netherlands | Lion |
Turkey | Crescent and Star |
United Kingdom | Rose |
U.S.A | Golden Rod |
Countries And Their Parlament
Country | Parliament |
Afghanistan | Hal-o-Aqad (N ational Assembly) |
Australia | Federal parliament (House of Representatives & Senate) |
Bhutan | Tshougdu(National Assembly) |
Brazil | National Congress |
Britain | Parliament (House of Common and House of Lords) |
Canada | Parliament (House of Commons and Senate Congress) |
Colombia | Congress |
Cuba | National Assembly of People’s Power |
Denmark | Folketing |
Egypt | People’s Assembly |
France | National Assembly |
Germany | Bundestag (Lower House) & Bundsrat (Upper House) |
Hungary | National Assembly |
Iceland | Althing |
India | Parliament(Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) |
Indonesia | People’s Consultative Assembly |
Iran | Majlis |
Iraq | National Assembly |
Israel | Knessert |
Japan | Diet |
Korea (North) | Supreme People’s Assembly |
Korea (South) | National Assembly |
Kuwait | National Assembly |
Malaysia | Parliament (Dewan Rakyat & Dewan Negara) |
Maldives | Majlis |
Myanmar (Burma) | Pyithu Hluttaw (People’s Assembly) |
Nepal | National Panchayat |
Netherlands | The States General |
New Zealand | Parliament(House of Representatives) |
Norway | Storting |
Poland | Sejm |
Romania | Grand National Assembly |
Russia | Supreme Soviet |
South Africa | House of Assembly |
Spain | Cortes |
Switzerland | Federal Assembly (Nationalrat and Standard) |
U.S.A | Congress(House of Representatives and Senate) |
Zaire | National Legislative Council |
Worlds Largest Islands
Name | Area Sq. cm | Location |
Australia | 7,682,300 | Indian Ocean |
Greenland | 2,175,600 | Arctic Ocean |
aT/mttDCW UUULCa | 700 KOOI | W Pacific |
Borneo | 725,545 | Indian Ocean |
Malagasy | 587,000 | Indian Ocean |
Republic | ||
Baffin Island | 476,065 | Arctic Ocean |
Sumatra | 427,300 | Indian Ocean |
Largest Peninsulas
Name | Area (in |
Arabia | 3,250,000 |
South India | 2 ^2 nnn |
Alaska | 1,500,000 |
Labrador | 1,300,000 |
Scandinavia | 800,300 |
Iberian Peninsula | 584,000 |
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