SSC CHSL Topic Wise Study Material – General Awareness – Miscellaneous
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The scope of this component of General Awareness is very wide and infinite. To define this section in the shape of definite pattern is an uphil task. Generally, the questions asked from this section are related to the following topics
First in world, Superlatives of World, Countries with Capital and Currencies, First in India, Superlatives of India, Major Newspapers and News Agencies, Indian Defence, Awards and Honours, Important Dates and Days of the Year, Abbreviations, Books and their Authors, etc.
Reference Corner
1. The Indian Parliament House was designed by SSC (10 + 2) 2017
(a) Alvar Aalto
(b) Michael Graves
(c) Edwin Lutyens
(d) Renzo Piano
2. Most airports in India are named after SSC (10+2) 2017
(a) places
(b) festivals
(c) politicians
(d) animals
3. Baghdad is the Capital City of … . SSC (10+2) 2017
(a) Iraq
(b) Thailand
(c) China
(d) Russia
4. Which was the first talkie film made in India? SSC (10 + 2) 2015
(a) Raja Harishchandra
(b) Mother India
(c) Kisan Kanya
(d) Alam Ara
5. Which day is observed as World AIDS Day? SSC (10 + 2) 2015
(a) March 20th
(b) December 1st
(c) December 20th
(d) March 1st
6. Who wrote the famous novel The Guide? SSC (10 + 2) 2015
(a) Satyajit Ray
(b) RK Narayan
(c) Arundhati Roy
(d) Chetan Bhagat
7. The World Trade Organization (WTO) came into effect in SSC (10 + 2) 2014
(a) 1995
(b) 1997
(c) 1990
(d) 1993
8. UNO was founded in the year SSC (10 + 2) 2014
(a) 1950
(b) 1953
(c) 1945
(d) 1946
9. The previous name of Zaire was SSC (10+2) 2014
(a) Congo
(b) Sierra Leone
(c) Benin
(d) Liberia
10. ‘The largest fresh Water lake in India is SSC (10+2) 2014
(a) Wularlake
(b) Nainitallake
(c) Dal lake
(d) Bhimtal lake
11. Who is the author of ‘A Suitable Boy? SSC (10 + 2) 2014
(a) Arundhati Roy
(b) Khushwant Singh
(c) VikramSeth
(d) None of these
12. Who was awarded the first Rajiv Gandhi National Sadbhavana Award?SSC (10 + 2) 2014
(a) Mother Teresa
(b) MorarjiDesai
(c) JRD Tata
(d) None of these
13. International Literacy Day is observed on which one of the following days every year? SSC (10 + 2) 2014
(a) 28th March
(b) 18th September
(c) 8th September
(d) 18th March
1. (c)
2. (c)
3. (a)
4. (d)
5. (b)
6. (b)
7. (a)
8. (c)
9. (a)
10. (a)
11. (c)
12. (a)
13. (c)
Important Dates
10 World Laughter Day
12 National Youth Day
(Birthday of Swami Vivekanand)
15 Army Day
23 Birthday of Subhas Chandra Bose
24 Rashtriya Balika Divas
26 Republic Day
30 (Mattyi’s day) Mahatma Gandhi’s Marryrdom Day; World Leprosy Eradication Day
28 National Science Day
4 National Security Day
7 World Health Day
8 International Women Day
15 World Cosume Right Day
21 World Foresty Day
22 World Day for the Water
14 BR Ambedkar Rememberance Day
18 World Heritage Day
22 World Earth Day
1 International Labour Day (May Day)
4 World Red Cross Day
31 World No Tabacco Day
5 World Environment Day
18 Father’s Day
20 World Refugee Day
21 International yog Divas
4 American Independance Day
11 World Population Day
26 Kargil Victory Day
1 World Breast Feeding Day
12 International Youth Day
15 India’s Independence Day
29 Sports Day (Dhyanchand’s birthday)
5 Teacher’s Day
8 International Literacy Day
14 Hindi Day, World First Aid Day
16 World Ozone Day
27 World Tourism Day
2 Gandhi Jayanti/ Non-Violence Day
8 Indian Airforce Day
16 World Food Day
24 United Nations Day
31 National Integration Day
Rashtriya Ekta Divas
10 Transport Day/Malala Day
14 Children’s Day/World Diabetics Day
17 Guru Nanak Dev Birth Anniversary
1 World AIDs Day
4 Navy Day
10 Human Rights Day
16 Vijay Divas
23 Kisan Divas (Farmer’s Day)
25 Shushasan Divas
Indian Defence
» The President of India is the supreme commander of the Indian Defence System.
» The whole administrative control of the Armed forces lies in the Ministry of Defence.
» Indian Defence System has been divided into three services-Army, Navy and Air Force.
» Each command is headed by Vice Admiral.
» The Navy is headed by the “Chief of the Naval Staff’ of the rank of Admiral.
» The first Aircraft Carrier of Indian Navy was INS Vikrant. India’s largest Aircraft carrier is INS Viraat. After retirement of Vikrant, Viraat is the main guard of Indian coastline. It was commissioned in 1987 and will continue in service till 2010.
» INS Shakti was India’s first indigenously built submarine. INS Kadamba is India’s largest naval base situated at Karwar, Karnataka. It was commissioned in 2005 under the project ‘Seabird’.
India’s Atomic Research
India’s atomic energy research started with the establishment of the Atomic Energy Commission on 10th August 1948. Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) was established in 1954, for implementation of atomic energy programmes.
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) It was set up in 1957, as the Atomic Energy establishment at Trombay, near Mumbai and in 1967, was renamed as BARC in the memory of its founder Dr. Homi Bhabha.
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) It was set up in 1971, at Kalpakkam in Chennai for research and development of fast breeder technology.
Space Programme of India
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) It was set-up in 1996 with its headquarter at now (Bengaluru)
Sriharikota Range (SHAR) is a satellite launching station set up in Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh SHAT has been renamed as Satish Dhawan Space Centre.
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre was set up by Vikram Sarabhai at Thiruvananthapurm to built know-how for satellite technology.
United Nations Organisation
» World’s largest international organisation and a successor of League of Nations. (League of Nations was formed after the I World War, but it failed).
» The Charter of the UN was signed at San Francisco on June 26, 1945, at a meeting of the representatives of 50 states.
» The name United Nations was given at the insistence of US President Roosevelt.
» Formally came into existence on October 24, 1945.
» First regular session was held in London in January, 1946 and Trygve Lie (Norway) was elected the first Secretary General.
» Headquarters located at New york, US.
» Flag White UN emblem (2 bent olive branches open at the top, and in between them is the map of the world) on a light blue background. It was adopted on October 20, 1947.
» The official languages of the UN are English, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and Spanish, while the working languages are English and French only.
Admission of Members : New members are admitted to the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council. The present membership of UN is 193.
Organs of the United Nations
» There are six principal bodies of the UN :
1. General Assembly
2. Security Council
3. Economic and Social Council
4. International Court of Justice
5. Trusteeship Council
6. Secretariat
» China, France, Russia, UK and USA are the permanent members of Security Council.
»» The non-permanent members are elected by the General Assembly for 2 years from among the member states.
» International Court of Justice consists of 15 Judges.
Practice Exercise
1.The book ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ was written by
(a) Charles Lamb
(b) Charles Dickens
(c) Alexander Dumas
(d) Jonathan Swift
2.“Higher than Hopes’ is a biography of
(a) Mother Teresa
(b) Nelson Mandela
(c) Bishop Tutu
(d) None of these
3.‘Alice in Wonderland’ the famous TV Serial, is based on a book written by
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) Thomas Hardy
(c) Lewis Caroll
(d) Father Dicoste
4.The celebrated novel The Godfather was authored by
(a) John Milton
(b) Victor Hugo
(c) Mario Puzo
(d) Harold Robbins
5.Which book is entitled as Bible of Communism ?
(a) Affluent Society
(b) War and Peace
(c) DasKapital
(d) Gulag Archipelago
6.Who wrote the book ‘A Passage to India’ ?
(a) Minoo Masani
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Victor Banerjee
(d) EM Foster
7.The book ‘Satanic Verses’ was written by
(a) Gunnar Myrdal
(b) Agatha Christie
(c) William Golding
(d) Salman Rushdie
8.Who among the following authored the book ‘A Scrape Book of Prisoner’ ?
(a) AB Vajpayee
(b) EK Nayanar
(c) LK Advani
(d) N Chandrababu Naidu
9.“Na Khatma Hone Wali Kahani’ is the autobiography of
(a) T.N. Sheshan
(b) Amitabh Bachchan
(c) Sonia Gandhi
(d) VP Singh
10.Who is called the Father of English Poetry?
(a) Charles Dickens
(b) Milton
(c) Wordsworth
(d) Chaucer
11.Match the following
12.Match the following
13.The 191st member of UNO is
(a) Switzerland
(b) East Timor
(c) Swaziland
(d) Taiwan
14.Match the following
15.Which of the following is not an agency of UN?
(a) Food and Agricultural Organisation
(b) International Monetary Fund
(c) International Committee of the Red Cross
(d) International Labour Organisation
16. Which of the following is a Cultural organisation?
(a) FAO
(b) ILO
(c) WHO
17. The headquarters of UNHCR is located at
(a) New York
(b) Rome
(c) London
(d) Geneva
18.The headquarters of International Atomic Energy Agency is located in
(a) Geneva
(b) Washington D.C.
(c) Vienna
(d) London
19.Which of the following Asian languages are UN official languages?
(a) Hindi and Japanese
(b) Chinese and Hindi
(c) Japanese and Arabic
(d) Chinese and Arabic
20. The five permanent members Of the UN Security Council are
(a) Canada, China, France, Russia, and USA
(b) China, France, Russia, UK and USA
(c) Japan, Germany, Russia, UK and USA
(d) Germany, China, Russia, UK and USA
21. Who were made the permanent members of the UN Security Council?
(a) One representative from each continent
(b) Five major powers of the Allied Forces in the Second World War
(c) Five members elected by the UN General Assembly at the initial Constitution
(d) Founding members of the UN
22. Which UN body deals with population problem?
(a) UNDP
23. Who is associated with the coining of the name “United Nations’?
(a) JL Nehru
(b) Franklin Roosevelt
(c) Charles de Galle
(d) Woodrow Wilson
24. The working language(s) of the UNESCO is/are
(a) Only English
(b) Only French
(c) English and French
(d) English, French and Russian
25. The number of principal organs of UNO is
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 5
(d) 6
26. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which of the following is not a right?
(a) Safe drinking water
(b) Adequate standard of living
(c) Employment
(d) Protection from exploitation
27. Who amongst the following leaders took major initiative in the formation of the League of Nations?
(a) Abraham Lincoln
(b) Woodrow Wilson
(c) Franklin Roosevelt
(d) George Washington
28. Match the following
29. Match the following
30. Match the following
31.Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
32.Match the following
33. The National Institute of Communicable Diseases is located at which of the following places?
(a) Lucknow
(b) Delhi
(c) Bengaluru
(d) Chandigarh
34. Central Arid Zone Research Institute is located in
(a) Gujarat
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Odisha
35. Where is the headquarters of Oil and National Gas Commission?
(a) Mumbai
(b) Dehradun
(c) Vadodara
(d) Digboi
36. Indian Army’s School of Artillery is located at
(a) Bengaluru
(b) Chennai
(c) Pune
(d) Deolali
37. Geogre W. Bush, the President of America, comes from which of the following American States?
(a) California
(b) Texas
(c) Virginia
(d) Indiana
38. Match the following
39. The first woman film star nominated to the Rajya Sabha was
(a) Nargis Dutt
(b) Shabana Azmi
(c.) Madbubala
(d) Meena Kumari
40. Who is the proponent and propagandist of the “Art of Living” ?
(a) Mahaiishi Mahesh Yogi
(b) Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
(c) Swami Chimnayananda
(d) Bhagwan Rajneesh
41. Shri Rajender Singh won the Ramon Magsaysay Award for
(a) emergent leadership
(b) community leadership
(c) illiteracy eradication
(d) Bio-technology
42. Match the following
43. Match the following
44. Who among the following was the first lady Prime Minister in the world?
(a) Golda Meir
(b) Indira Gandhi
(c) Mary Eugenia Charles
(d) Shirimavo Bhandaranaike
45. Who was the first lady Governor of an Indian state?
(a) Miss Padmaja Naidu
(b) Mrs Sarojini Naidu
(c) Mrs Sucheta Kripalani
(d) Mrs Tarakeshwari Sinha
46. The first Indian woman to scale Mount Everest was
(a) Arati Saha
(b) Asha Agarwail
(c) Bachendri Pal
(d) Reita Fariya
47. Who among the following was the first Defence Minister of India?
(a) KM Cariappa
(b) Sardar Patel
(c) Baldev Singh
(d) Maulana Azad
48. Who among the following was the first woman Chief Justice of a High Court?
(a) Geeta Mukherjee
(b) Leila Seth
(c) Sujata Manohar
(d) Rani Jethmalani
49. The first Field Marshal of India was
(a) A Vaidya
(b) KM Cariappa
(c) Sunder ji
(d) SHFJ Manekshaw
50. The first English newspaper in India was started by
(a) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) JA Hickey
(c) Lord William Bentinck
(d) Rabindranath Tagore
51. Which Chief Minister hold the post of CM to the longest period of time?
(a) BhajanLal
(b) Chimanbhai Patel
(c) Jyoti Basu
(d) Hiteshwar Saikia
52. Who among the following was the first woman minister of a state?
(a) Vijayalakshmi Pandit
(b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
(d) Indira Gandhi
53. The architect of North and South Blocks of Central Secretariat in Delhi was
(a) Sir Edward Lutyens
(b) Herbert Bakers
(c) Robert T Russel
(d) Antonin Reymond
54. The first PM of England was
(a) Oliver Cramwell
(b) Benjamin Dizrelli
(c) Robert Walpol
(d) Gladstone
55. Founder of Boys Scout and Civil Guide was
(a) Charles Andrews
(b) Robert Montgomery
(c) Richard Temple
(d) Baden Powell
56. Chandigarh was designed by
(a) Le Corbousier
(b) Edward Lutyens
(c) Christopher Wren
(d) Michelongo
57. Who is called the Flying Sikh of India?
(a) Mohinder Singh
(b) Ajit Pal Singh
(c) Joginder Singh
(d) Milkha Singh
58. “Indian cotton merchant banker Congressman and a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi’. This description fits
(a) Jamnalal Bajaj
(b) GD Birla
(c) VS Srinivasa Shastri
(d) MR Jayakar
59. The Arjuna Awards were instituted in the year
(a) 1965
(b) 1963
(c) 1961
(d) 1975
60. Arjuna Award is given for
(a) Bravery on battlefield
(b) Outstanding performance in sports
(c) Exceptional service in emergency
(d) Exceptional service of slum dwellers
61. The Kalinga Prize is given by which of the following?
(b) Government of India
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru Peace Foundation
(d) Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
62. Kalinga Award is given for
(a) Art
(b) Science
(c) Literature
(d) Sports
63. Moortidevi Award is given annually in which of the following?
(a) Literature
(b) Journalism
(c) Films
(d) Music
64. Dronachaiya Award is given to
(a) fire fighting operation
(b) archery
(c) outstanding coaching in sports and games
(d) outstanding coaching in athletics
65. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) gives which of the following awards every year?
(a) Hari Om Ashram
(b)Jamnalal Bajaj
(c) Dhanvantri
(d) SS Bhatnagar
66. Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar awards are given for
(a) excellence in film direction
(b) outstanding contribution to science
(c) exploring new dimensions in creative writing in Indian languages
(d) creating mass awareness on environmental issues
67. The Jawaharlal Nehru Award is for
(a) Government Service
(b) Literary Work
(c) International Understanding
(d) Social Work
68. Who among the following got the “Bharat Ratna Award’, before becoming the President of India?
(a) R Venkataraman
(b) Dr Rajendra Prasad
(c) Dr Zakir Hussain
(d) W Gin
69. Cannes Film Festival is held in
(a) Switzerland
(b) France
(c) Italy
(d) England
70. India’s highest award given for exceptional work in art, literature and recognition of public service of the highest order is
(a) Param Vir Chakra
(b) Bharat Ratna
(c) Jnanpith Award
(d) Kalinga Award
71. ‘Meghanath Saha’ award is given for outstanding contribution in which of the following fields?
(a) Journalism
(b) Science
(c) Literature
(d) Social Science
72. Who among the following has received both Bharat Ratna and Nishan-e-Pakistpn?
(a) Morarji Desai
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Ayub Khan
(d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
73. Which countries were involved in 100 year war?
(a) Turkey and Austria
(b) England and France
(c) Palestine and Israel
(d) Germany and Russia
74. Opium-war was fought between
(a) Britain and China
(b) Britain and India
(c) India and China
(d) Britain and Japan
75. Match the following
76.Match the following
77. Which among the following countries was the earliest to give women the right to vote?
(a) Iceland
(b) India
(c) New Zealand
(d) USA
78. Life expectancy is highest in the world in
(a) Canada
(b) Germany
(c) Japan
(d) Norway
79. Which of the following pairs is wrongly matched?
80. In which country the minimum voting age is 16 years?
(a) France
(b) Brazil
(c) Gabon
(d) Togo
81.‘Golan Heights’ has become a controversial issue between which of the following pairs of nations?
(a) Iraq-Iran
(b) Israel-Libya
(c) Israel-Syria
(d) Kuwait-Iraq
82.The five biggest nations according to size are
(a) Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brazil
(b) Russia, China, Canada, USA, Brazil
(c) Russia, Canada, USA, China, Brazil
(d) Russia, Canada, USA, Australia, Brazil
83.The five biggest countries according to population are
(a) China, India, USA, Pakistan, Brazil
(b) China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil
(c) China, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan
(d) China, India, USA, Indonesia, Bangladesh
84.The least populated states in ascending order are
(a) Sikkim, Mizoram, Goa, Arunachal Pradesh
(b) Sikkim, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Goa
(c) Sikkim, Goa, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh.
(d) Sikkim, Goa, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram
85.India first took part in the Olympic Games in the year
(a) 1920
(b) 1928
(c) 1972
(d) 1974
86.India first won the Olympic Hockey gold at
(a) London
(b) Berlin
(c) Amsterdam
(d) Los Angeles
87.India made her debut in Olympic football at
(a) Helsinki in 1952
(b) Melbourne in 1956
(c) London in 1948
(d) Tokyo in 1964
88.First Olympic Games were held in
(a) 776 BC
(b) 798 BC
(c) 876 BC
(d) 898 BC
89.The first Indian woman to reach Olympic finals in individual track events was
(a) PT Usha
(b) Shiny Abraham
(c) Aarti Saha
(d) MD Valsamma
90.Of the following cities, in which city/cities have the Olympic Games been held twice?
1. Paris 2. Berlin
3. London 4. Seoul
(a) Only 1
(b) 1 and 2
(c) 3 and 4
(d) 1 and 3
91.Which of the following is a set of five events included in Modern Pentathlon?
(a) Cycling, Skating, Shooting, Gymnastics, Running
(b) Judo, Shooting, Swimming, Cycling, Running
(c) Horse riding, Fencing, Shooting, Gymnastics, Running
(d) Horse riding, Fencing, Shooting, Swimming, Running
92.The five intertwined rings or circles on the Olympic flag made of white (from left to right) are
(a) blue, yellow, black, green and red
(b) yellow, red, green, black and blue
(c) red, green, black, yellow and blue
(d) yellow, green, black, blue and red
93.India won the last Hockey Olympic Gold in?
(a) 2000, Sydney
(b) 1996, Atlanta
(c) 1980, Moscow
(d) 1972, Munich
94. Consider the following statements
1. Olympics, 2008 will be held in Beijing.
2. Asian Games, 2006 held in Doha (Qatar).
Which of these is/are correct?
(a) Only 1
(b) Only 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) None of these
95. To win a Grand-Slam in Tennis, a player has to win
(a) Australian Open, Wimbeldon, French Open, US Open
(b) Wimbeldon, French Open, US Open
(c) Wimbeldon, French Open, Pegas Czeck Open, US Open
(d) Davis Cup, Wimbeldon, French Open
96. ‘Chinaman’ refers to
(a) Chess
(b) Cricket
(c) Bridge
(d) Swimming
97. The term ‘Tee’ is connected with
(a) Polo
(b) Golf
(c) Bridge
(d) Billiards
98. ‘Gambit’ is the term associated with which of the following games?
(a) Chess
(b) Billiards
(c) Carrom
(d) Snooker
99. The term ‘double fault’ is associated with
(a) Baseball
(b) Golf
(c) Tennis
(d) Bridge
100. Famous player Kevin Peterson belong to
(a) Kenya
(b) England
(c) Nigeria
(d) Namibia
101. Which of these countries won the first World Cup cricket tournament in 1975?
(a) England
(b) Australia
(c) West Indies
(d) Pakistan
102. The first Asian Games were held in
(a) China
(b) India
(c) Pakistan
(d) Iran
103. Who is the youngest player to score a century in test cricket?
(a) Haneef Mohammed
(b) Mohd Azharuddin
(c) Mohd Ashraful
(d) S Tendulkar
104. Match the following
105. Match the following
106.The famous sportsman Michael Jordan is associated with
(a) Athletics
(b) Tennis
(c) Baseball
(d) Basket ball
107.Match the following
108.Which country among the following has been involved in two ties in test cricket?
(a) Australia
(b) India
(c) West Indies
(d) England
109.Match the following
110.The youngest player who led India in test cricket is
(a) Sachin Tendulkar
(c) NawabPataudi
(d) Kapil Dev
111.In baseball, the two opposing teams consist of
(a) 10 players each
(b) 9 players each
(c) 8 players each
(d) 7 players each
112.Match the following
113. Who was the Captain of the West Indies team that was defeated by the Indian Cricket team in 1983 to win the Prudential World Cup?
(a) Viv Richards
(b) Clive Lloyd
(c) Richie Richardson
(d) Malcolm Marshall
114. Which is the earliest Engineering educational institution in India?
(a) Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
(b) IIT Kharagpur
(c) Roorkee Engineering College (IIT Roorkee)
(d) BHU (IIT), Varanasi
115.The first neutron reactor of India, ‘Kamini’, is situated at
(a) Narora
(b) Kalpakkam
(c) Kota
(d) Trombay
116.Match the following
117.Match the following
118. Who among the following is popularly known as ‘Nightingale of India?
(a) Lata Mangeshkar
(b) Asha Bhonsle
(c) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
(d) Sarojini Naidu
119. Dr MS Swaminathan has distinguished himself in which of the following fields?
(a) Nuclear Physics
(b) Agriculture
(c) Astrophysics
(d) Medicine
120. Which of the following pairs are correctly method?
1. M.S. Subhulakshmi-Carnatic Vocalist
2. Ravi Shankar- Sitar
3. Birju Maharaj- Bharatnatyam
4. Alla Rakha-Tabla instrumentalist
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1,2 and 4
(d) None of these
121.Which one of the following pairs isn’t correctly matched?
122. Who said, ‘Child is the father of Man’ ?
(a) John Keats
(b) Shakespeare
(c) William Wordsworth
(d) Lord Byron
123. Who said ‘At the stroke of midnight, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom’ ?
(a) C Rajagopalachari
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Lord Mountbatten
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru
124. Match the following
125. The only Indian woman who became President of WHO was
(a) Smt Vijayalakshmi Pandit
(b) Smt Kamala Devi Chattopadhyaya
(c) Dr. Sushila Nayar
(d) Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur
126. Who was Dr. Salim Ali?
(a) Sericulturist
(b) Geologist
(c) Space scientist
(d) Ornithologist
127. Ismat Chughtai is associated with which of the following fields?
(a) Literature
(b) Science
(c) Politics
(d) Journalism
128. Which of the following is not associated with vocal music?
(a) Pandit Jasraj
(b) Mallikarjun Mansur
(c) Kishori Amonkar
(d) Shiv Kumar Sharma
129. Who produced the first film in India “Raja Harishchandra’in 1913?
(a) Sohrab Modi
(b) Dada Saheb Phalke
(c) V Shanta Ram
(d) KL Sehgal
130. Folk painting ‘Madhubani’ is famous in
(a) Paschim Benga
(c) Bihar
131. Match the following
132.The headquarters of UNESCO is in
(a) New York
(b) The Hague
(c) Paris
(d) Moscow
133. Which one of the following is not an official language of the United Nations Organization?
(a) Arabic
(b) Russian
(c) Chinese
(d) Germany
134. Which of the following countries are members of SAARC?
(a) India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Sri Lanka,Nepal,Afganistan
(b) India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Mauritius, Burma, Sri Lanka,Nepal, Afganistan
(c) India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal,Mauritius, Afganistan
(d) India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal, Afganistan
135. India, at present, is not a member of which of the following?
(a) NAM
(c) WHO
(d) UN Security Council
136. Where is the headquarters of Amnesty International?
(a) New York
(b) London
(c) Paris
(d) Geneva
137. The headquarters of the International Red Cross is situated in
(a) Paris
(b) Hague
(c) Geneva
(d) Vienna
138. Who was the first Indian to receive the Magsaysay award?
(a) Indira Gandhi
(b) TN Seshan
(c) Kiran Bedi
(d) Vinoba Bhave .
139. Nobel Prizes are distributed annually at
(a) Manila
(b) Stockholm
(c) Geneva
(d) New York
140. Who among the following is the first Asian Winner of Nobel prize?
(a) Mother Teresa
(b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) CV Raman
(d) None of these
141. BC Roy Award is given in the field of
(a) Journalism
(b) Medicine
(c) Music
(d) Environment
142.Which monument in India is the memorial to the unknown soldier?
(a) India Gate
(b) Shakti Sthal
(c) Victoria Memoral
(d) None of these
143.Maximum spoken language in the world is
(a) Hindi
(b) English
(c) Mandarin
(d) Spanish
144.In India, maximum number of newspapers are published in
(a) Hindi
(b) Bengali
(c) English
(d) Malayalam
145.The official language of Lakshadweep, a Union Territory of India is
(a) Tamil
(b) Hindi
(c) Malayalam
(d) Telugu
146.India’s national animal and bird respectively are
(a) Deer and Parrot
(b) Lion and Cuckoo
(c) Elephant and Eagle
(d) Tiger and Peacock
147.The largest automobile manufacturing centre in the world is located at
(a) Detroit
(b) Tokyo
(c) Birmingham
(d) Berlin
148. Kasturba Gandhi Education Scheme is related to
(a) girl education
(b) adult education
(c) child labour education
(d) tribal women (above 18 years)
149. Match the following
150. East Timor, the independent nation in the world was earlier ruled by
(a) Indonesia
(b) Australia
(c) Malaysia
(d) Philippines
151. Indian Railways make use of
(a) broad gauge
(b) metre gauge
(c) narrow gauge
(d) All of these
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