SSC CHSL Topic Wise Study Material – General Intelligence – Emotional Intelligence
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Emotional Intelligence is not about being emotional but it is about being smart with the emotions. It is not being nice all the time but it is about being honest with the emotions and it is being aware of the feelings and those of others.
This test is mainly to judge a candidate’s ability to use his/her presence of mind and to act correctly and promptly to a given situation that may arise any time in life.
In these questions, a situation related to the day-to-day life is given along with four alternatives which gives various probable reactions to these situations. The candidate is required to find out the most appropriate reaction to these situations. For solving these questions, first of all try to analyse the demand of the situation. Depending upon the need, try to analyse the pros and cons of each alternative and then choose that alternative which solves the problem and the purpose without any negative effect. The best approach to think positive just as a good human being.
Through the emotional intelligence the quality of a student such as sympathy, courage, honesty, boldness, helping attitude, responsibility, straight forwardness, leadership, smartness, hard working are tested.
Some points for choosing the suitable reaction
• Do not challenge the situation but accept it.
• A candidate must use his presence of mind.
• The approach to the problem should be ideal.
• The approach should be morally correct.
• The approach should be positive.
• The approach should be. responsible.
For better understanding about the type of question asked, the example given below
1. While travelling in a train, you notice a man from the coach behind yours fall off the train. You would SSC (10 + 2) 2013
(a) pull the alarm chain so that the train may stop and the man may be helped
(b) shout at the falling man asking him to get up quickly and entrain
(c) jump off the train to assist the falling man
(d) wait till the train stops at the next station and inform the railway authorities there
(a) Clearly, the situation demands taking quick action to provide help to the victim which in turn necessitates that the train be stopped immediately.
Practice Exercise
1. Your boss has given your some urgent assignment at the end hour. What would you do?
(a) Try to finish the job as per its requirement
(b) Tell him that you would do it next day
(c) Request one of your colleagues to help you
(d) You will say sorry to him for not to do the work at that time
2. Your boss has very piercing eyes and spies on your performance all the time. You will
(a) ignore the uncomfortable glances as it is his job
(b) just do your work
(c) subtly convey it to the boss
(d) tell your seniors clearly that such supervision affects your performance
3. Your boyfriend/girlfriend has got a new job and is too busy. You feel neglected.
(a) You talk and work it out him/her so that both adjust with time
(b) You develop an uncaring attitude towards him/her
(c) You indulge in self-pity and find faults with yourself
(d) You decide you cannot adjust and therefore think of separation
4. While playing cricket when you hit the ball, it strikes one of your friends and blood starts oozing out from the forehead. You would
(a) take the Mend to the first aid room
(b) run away from the field
(c) start discussions with the boy why he came in the way
(d) blame other Mends
5. In a bus you realize that someone has left his/her wallet. You would
(a) hand it over to the bus conductor
(b) leave the wallet as it is
(c) try to find his/her contact number and inform the owner
(d) give the money to the beggar
6. Your friend has not invited you to his marriage party .You will
(a) hold it against him
(b) ignore the whole affair
(c) attend the ceremony
(d) send him your best wishes
7. Suppose your friend visits your home on his way to office .You
(a) will request him to have some refreshment
(b) would not do anything so that he is late
(c) will compel him to listen to your personal problems
(d) would ask him to spend atleast 15 minutes with you
8. A child gets severe bums on the hand, while firing crackers at the time of Deepawali. What would you do?
(a) Apply ointment on the bum area
(b) Dip the child’s hands in cold water till there is no more burning sensation
(c) Send someone to call the doctor
(d) Wash the hands with an anti-septic
9. What will you do if you find an aged person who has lost his road orientation?
(a) Help him with some money
(b) Avoid the matter totally
(c) Collect the necessary information related to his destination and guide him accurately
(d) Just show sympathy and give suggestion to contact the nearest police station
10. You are a social worker. On visiting an orphanage, there is one child who is not ready to let you go away
(a) You decided to visit him every Sunday
(b) You leave with no concern
(c) You ignore the child because you have other kids to attend
(d) You talk to the authorities and arrange for parents who can adopt him
11. If in an examination hall, you find that the question paper is too tough to be answered satisfactorily by you, the best thing to do for you is to
(a) provoke the candidates to walk out of the examination hall
(b) try to know something from your neighbour
(c) tell the examiner that the questions are out of course
(d) by to solve the questions as much as you know with a cool head
12. You are in a bus. The bus reaches your stop but still you have not purchased the ticket because of heavy rush. What will you do?
(a) Give the money to the driver
(b) Call the conductor, give him the money and get the ticket
(c) Jump out quickly to avoid embarrassment
(d) Hand the money to someone sitting nearby to give it to the conductor
13. You are going to your village. You know swimming and while crossing a river you hear the crying of a drowning child. You would
(a) wait and see if some other person is there to help
(b) look for regular/ professional divers
(c) console the child’s parents .
(d) dive into the river to save him
14. You are a manager of a company and an employee does not turn up for work because his son was ill. You will
(a) give him a strict warning
(b) tell him to come on time now onwards no matter what
(c) ask him how his son is and give him a day off
(d) aks how his son is and tell him to call the office if ever in future he decides not to come
15. After a purchase the shopkeeper returns Rs 100 extra to you. You will
(a) offer Rs 20 at a temple and pray for more such instance
(b) treat your friends to a lunch
(c) return the extra money to the shopkeeper
(d) buy another and hope he will give another Rs 100 extra
16. You want to get married to a person of your choice, but your family members give their own reasons why you should not many that person, which you do not find very convincing. What would you do? SSC (10 + 2) 2011
(a) Go by what your family says
(b) Become thoroughly confused and still remain undecided
(c) Marry the person of your choice
(d) Try to convince your family about your choice
Hints & Solutions
1. Obviously, you need to be efficient in your job. If a last hour work comes up, you should work hard and not find excuses to not do it.
2. Obviously, if you will get intimidated by your boss, your concentration would lapse and you are bound to make mistakes. So, if you do your work properly, automatically things will improve with time.
3. Obviously, you need to understand your partner and not be desperate. You are not everything in his/her life. To carry on, you both need to earn and be honest to your job too. Thus, it is better that you talk it out.
4. Obviously, immediate action is required. So, you should not waste much time and do first aid.
5. Obviously, the situation demands you To be honest and at the same time see to it that the other person is not at a loss. So, you should try to return it back to the owner.
6. Obviously, you need to behave maturely and congratulate him/her. You should think as to what was the reason for the friend not inviting.
7. Obviously, if a friend has come in his way to office, he/she must have had atleast 15-20 min spare. Hence, you should spend some time with him by asking him to say. This is basic common courtesy.
8. Obviously, all of the above options seen appropriate and will relieve the child of the pain. But here you need to act immediately as the child may get very anxious or he/she may not be able to bear the pain for a long time.
9. Obviously, you need to take over and help the old man. As helping indirectly, would prove to insufficient with the old man again facing problems later as hes lost his orientation completely.
10. Obviously, you can’t stay at the orphanage but at the same time not break the child’s heart. You should hence arrange for the unfortunate child to have parents by talking to the authorities.
11. Obviously, creating an issue on such a matter is unexpected from a student. So, you should not get too anxious but be cool.
12. Obviously, giving money to anyone else apart from the conductor would be unsafe. Also you should not be dishonest, so you should call the conductor.
13. Obviously, this situations requires immediate action. So, waiting for others, might prove fatal for the child.
14. As a manager your job is to understand the problems of your employees, but at the same time tackle turn in such a manner that the company suffers the least. You should sympathize with the person but also him to inform before hand so that you can assign his work to another person in time.
15. Obviously, you need to be honest without it everything you have been taught is worthless.
16. The best way to settle a conflict is always to arrive at a consensus through peaceful talks and mutual discussions rather than stick to any one side and ignore the other. In the given situation, since the person concerned doesn’t find the views of the family members convincing, he should try to convince them and mould their views to match his own. Just following his own choice shall hurt the family’s sentiments and obeying the family members blindly shall surely be disloyalty towards the person he loves.