SSC CHSL LDC/ DEO/ PSA Previous Year Solved Papers – 02 August, 2009
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SSC CHSL Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level LDC & Data Entry Operator, Exam Solved Paper 02 August, 2009
Part I General Intelligence
Directions (Q.Nos. 1-10) Select the related letters / word / number / figures from the given alternatives.
1. BDFH : JLNP : RTVX : ?
(a) BDHF
(b) BDFZ
(c) ZBDF
2.400 : 20 :: 484 : ?
(a) 20
(b) 21
(c) 22
(d) 23
3. 4 : 32 :: 7 : ?
(a) 98
(b) 343
(c) 88
(d) 49
4. 624 : 426 :: 745 : ?
(a) 475
(b) 726
(c) 547
(d) 645
(d) 1st figure moves 180° in clockwise direction. So, we get 2nd figure. Similarly, 3rd figure moves 180° in clockwise direction. So, we get option figure (d).
(c)Figures are shifting in anticlockwise direction
7. Hunger : Food :: Disease : ?
(a) Weakness
(b) Medicine
(c) Sickness
(d) Water
(b)As Hunger required Food
So, Disease required Medicine
8. Thin : Thick :: Dwarf: ?
(a) Short
(b) Tall
(c) Broad
(d) Long
(b) As opposite of Thin is Thick
So opposite of Dwarf is Tall
9. AN : BO :: LY: ?
(a) MN
(b) JW
10. ACE : HIL :: MOQ : ?
(a) TVX
(b) TUX
(c) XVT
(d) SUW
Directions (Q.Nos. 11-18) Find the odd number I letters / figures / number pair from the given alternatives.
(a) ADF
(b) BEG
(c) LOQ
(d) SUW
(d) Because in other options in between first and second letter there are 2 letters in English Alphabet. But in this option there is only one letter in between only one letter in between first and second letter.
(a) HIXW
(c) SRVU
(d) UTYX
(a) Because in other options first letter comes after second letter and third letter comes after fourth letter in English Alphabet.
But in this option second letter comes after first letter.
(a) 2
(b) 9
(c) 63
(d) 28
(b) Because 9 is. a square of 3 but all others are not square of any number.
(a) 9.09
(c)9 9/100
(d) 909/1000
(a) Because all others are divided into parts. But it is not divided into any parts.
(c) Because in all other options 2 opposite triangles are shaded.
(a) 16-25
(b) 64-81
(c) 36-49
(d) 100-110
(d) Because in all other options there is a square and then there is a next square.
But in this options 100 is a square but 110 is not a square.
(a) XV
(b) ZW
(c) YV
(d) WT
(a) Because in all other options in between second and first letter there are 2 letters in English Alphabet.
But in this option there is only 1 letter in between second and first letter.
Direction (Q.No. 19) Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it ?
19. w_xw_x_ax_a_wa_
(a) axawxa
(b) aawaxx
(c) aawwxx
(d) waawxx
Directions (Q. 20-24) A series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
20. 9,17, 31, 57,_?_, 205
(a) 102
(b) 104
(c) 107
(d) 109
(c) The series is going in the following manner
9 x 2 – 1 = 17
17 x 2 – 3 = 31
31 x 2 – 5 = 57
57 x 2 – 7 = 107
107 x 2 – 9 = 205
21. BDF, HJL, NPR,_?_
(a) TRP0
(b) TVY
(c) In this series alternate letters of English Alphabet Eire written TVX
22. AE, FJ,?, PT
(a) MN
(b) UV
(c) KO
(d) VZ
(c) The figure is moving in clockwise direction so,(c)
(c) In the figure * is shifting 1 place then 2 place then 1 place and a new figure is generating.
25. The average age of three friends A, B, C is 20 yr. The average age of A and B is 19 yr. What is the age of C ?
(a) 20 yr
(b) 21 yr
(c) 22 yr
(d) 24 yr
(C) Average age of A, B and C is 20 yr
Total age of A, B and C = 20 X 3 = 60 yr
Average age of A and B = 19 yr
Total age of A and B = 19 x 2 = 38yr
So age of C = 60-38 = 22yr
26. Ramu’s mother said to Ramu, “My mother has a son whose son is Achyut”. How is Achyut related to Ramu ?
(a) Uncle
(b) Cousin
(c) Brother
(d) Nephew
(b) Ramu’s mother’s mother’s son will be Ramu’s maternal uncle and the son of maternal uncle is cousin
27. In this diagram, a total number of 100 players play different games.
How many players play Football and Hockey but not Cricket ?
So, 15 player play football and Hockey but not cricket
28.Arun runs faster than Elias, but not as fast as Dinesh. Dinesh runs faster than Chander, but not as fast as Bikram. Who runs faster?
(a) Arun
(b) Bikram
(c) Chander
(d) Dinesh
(b) > means run fasts
Dinesh >Arun > Elias
Bikram > Dinesh> Chander
Bikram runs faster
Directions (Q.Nos. 29-30) : From, the given alternatives select the word which can be formed using the letters given in the word.
Directions (Q.Nos. 31-32) ; From the given alternatives select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word.
(d) FACT
33. In a code TIGER is written as SHFDQ, how shall HORSE be written in that code ?
34. If A is coded as 2, B as 3 and so on, what is the code for FACE ?
(a) 7246
(b) 6245
(c) 6357
(d) 7346
(d) In the English Alphabets A comes as number 1 and B comes at number 2
but they are coded as 2 and 3 ie. 1 more than English
So FACE–> 7246
Direction (Q.Nos. 35) : Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure ?
Direction (Q. 36); From the given answer figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden / embedded.
37. If + means x,- means +, x means ÷ and ÷ means -, then 10+ 5 x 10÷2- 5 has a value of
(a) 35
(b) 45
(c) 30
(d) 8
38. Among the four answer figures, which one can be formed from the cut out pieces given below in the question figure ?
39. Some equations are solved on the basis of some system. Using the same, solve the unsolved equation.
4x5x6 = 645
5x6x7 = 756
6x7x8 = ?
8x7x9 = 987
Directions (Q.Nos. 40 and 41) Select the missing number from the given alternatives.
(a) 9
(c) 7
(d) 14
(b) 41
(d) 51
42. Mrs. Kiran starts from Gandhi Square, Calcutta, drives her car towards west 6 km and turning to her right she drives 4 km, then again turns the car to her right and moves 6 km. How far is she from the starting point ?
(a) 6 km
(b) 16 km
(c) 4 km
(d) 8 km
Directions (Q.Nos. 43 and 44) A, B, C, D and E are five boys sitting in a circle. C is sitting immediately to the left of E. A is sitting between D and E.
43. Who is sitting between B and A ?
(a) C
(b) E
(c) D
(d) None of these
44. Who is sitting to the immediate left hand side of C ?
(a) E
(b) A
(c) B
(d) D
Answer: Sol. (Q.Nos. 43 and 44)
45. Which one of the following figures represents the relationship among Brinjal, Meat, Vegetables ?
46.Which number is common to all the three geometrical figures ?
(d) 4 is not a part of rectangle
5 is not a part of triangle
7 is not a part of circle
6 is part of all figures
47. Which one of the following figures represents the relationship among Tables, Chairs, Furniture ?
Directions (Q.Nos. 48-50) : One I two statements are given followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements.
48. Statement In schools, students learn as they are able to understand what is taught to them.
I. Students learning in schools, depends upon their ability to learn,
II. Students learning in schools depends upon how they are taught.
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Both I and II follows
(d) Neither I nor II follows
(d) All students learn It does not depend on their ability. Students lean because they understand what is taught to them. It does not depend now they are taught.
49. Statement Private firm workers are hard-working.
I. Some hard-working persons are private firm workers.
II. Government employees are not hard-working.
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Neither I nor II follows
(d) Both I and II follow
(a) Only conclusion I follows because it is hot given about Government employees.
50. Statements Some phones are watches. All watches are guns.
Conclusions –
I. All guns are watches.
II. Some guns are phones.
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Either I or II follows
(d) Neither I nor II follows
Part II General Awareness
51. The RBI issues currency notes under the
(a) Fixed Fiduciary System
(b) Maximum Fiduciary System
(c) Fixed Minimum Reserve System
(d) Proportional Reserve System
52. Which day is the International Human Rights Day ?
(a) December 10th
(b) October 24th
(c) November 25th
(d) None of these
(d) The data was chosen to honour the UN General assembly’s adoption and proclamation , on 10th Dec.
1948 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the first global enunciation of Human Rights. This day of every year celebrated as International Human Right’s day.
53. The capital of Pakistan till 1959 was
(a) Islamabad
(b) Karachi
(c) Lahore
(d) Hyderabad
(d) Karachi is the one of the Fastest growing cities of this Sub-continent. After independence in 1947, Karachi become the capital of Pakistan till 1959, When Islamabad was selected to serve as the new capital city of Pakistan.
54. Silicon Valley of India is located in
(a) Dehradun
(b) Bangaluru
(c) Hyderabad
(d) Srinagar
(d) The Silicon Valley of India is a nickname of the Indian city of Bangaluru. The name Signifies Bangaluru status as a hub for Information technology (IT) companies in India. It’s a Comparative reference to the original Silicon Valley, based around Santa Clara Valleyr’’ California (USA).
55. The author of the book “India Wins Freedom” is
(a) Kuldeep Nayyar
(b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(c) Jawahar Lai Nehru
(d) Indira Gandhi
(d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad describes the political events between 1939-1947 in this book and explains his views on the political blunders that lead to partition.
56. The implementation of Jawahar Rojgar Yojana rests with
(a) Gram Panchayats
(b) District Collectors
(c) State Governments
(d) Union Government
(d) Jawahar Rojgar Yojana (JRY) is the poverty alleviation scheme. Which falls under the Category of works programme for creation of Supplementary employment opportunities. JRY was formed in 1st April 1989.
57. What is quorum required for convening the Lok Shaba?
(a) 1/6
(b) 1/8
(c) 1/10
(d) 1/5
(d) The quorum required for convening the Lok Sabha is one-tenth of the total number of the house.
58. In the Parliamentary form of Government “He is the first among equals. Who is he ?
(a) President
(b) Prime Minister
(c) Leader of Opposition
(d) Speaker of lower house
59. Gandhiji’s movement of boycotting the foreign goods aimed at
(a) full independence
(b) creating anti-British sentiment
(c) promotion of welfare state
(d) promotion of cottage industries
60. What is the maximum age limit prescribed for the post of the President of India ?
(a) 58 yr
(b) 60 yr
(c) 62 yr
(d) There is no maximum age limit
(d) A citizen of India who is of 35 yr of age or above may be the presidential candidate. There is no maximum age limit for the post of the president of India.
61. The final of the Sultan Afzat Shah Hockey Tournament 2009 was played between
(a) India and Malaysia
(b) India and Pakistan
(c) Pakistan and Malaysia ,
(d) Malaysia and Japan
(d) The final of the Sultan Afzal Shah Hockey Tournament 2009 was played between India and Malaysia.
62. The 2001 Cricket World Cup shall be co-hosted by
(a) India, Sri Lanka, Pakistanand Bangladesh
(b) India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
(c) Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
(d) Bangladesh, Pakistan and India
(d) The 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup will be the tenth Cricket World Cup and will be hosted in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. It will be Bangladesh’s First time co-hosting a World Cup Cricket. The First match being played on 19th Feb.’2011.
63. English is the official language of which one of the following Indian States ?
(a) Nagaland
(b) Tripura
(c) Asom
(d) Manipur
(d) In 1967 the Nagaland Assembly proclaimed English as the official language of Nagaland and this is also the medium for education in Nagaland.
64. Right to Information Act was passed in the year
(a) 2001
(b) 2005
(c) 2004
(d) 2002
(d) Right to information Act was passed in 2005. It mandates timely response to citizen requests For government information. It is an initiative taken by the Department of personal and Training.
65. In India FERA has been replaced by
(a) FEMA
(b) FETA
(c) FENA
(d) FELA
(d) The Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) has been introduced as a replacement for earlier Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA). FEMA came into act on 1st June, 2000. The main objective behind the FEMA is to consolidate and amend the law relating to foreign exchange.
66. The ‘Emerging Player of the year 2008’ Award was given by ICC to which Sri Lankan cricketer ?
(a) Ajantha Mendis
(b) Muttiah Murlitharan
(c) C. Kapugedera
(d) M. Mahroof
67. The term PC means
(a) Private Computer
(b) Personal Computer
(c) Professional Computer
(d) Personal Calculator
68. Which one of the following Indian Cricketers has been declared The Leading Cricketer of 2008′ by Wisden ?
(a) M.S. Dhoni
(b) Virender Sehwag
(c) Anil Kumble
(d) Saurav Ganguly
(d) The leading Cricketer in the world is chosen by the editors of Wisden. Wisden’s leading Cricketer in the world, 2008 had given to Virender Settwag.
69. Who is the present chief of ISRO ?
(a) G. Madhavan Nair
(b) Anil Kakodkar
(c) Mohan S.Shetty
(d) M. Arvindam
(d) K. RadhaKrishnan takes over as the new ISRO chief on 31st October, 2009. K. RadhaKrishnan takes the position after retirement of G. Madhavan Nair.
70. Who has taken over as Chief Election Commissioner after the retirement of Shri N. Gopalaswami ?
(a) V.S. Sampath
(b) S.YQuraishi
(c) Navin Chawla
(d) M.S. Gill
(d) Mr. Navin Chawla has been declared as the new Chief Election Commissioner of India by the President- Mrs. Pratibha Patil. Mr. Chawla is holding charge as Mr. N.Gopalaswami is getting retired.
71. The imaginary lines joining places of same height at equal intervals are
(a) Hachures
(b) Contours
(c) Spot-Heights
(d) Isomers
(d) Contours are the imaginary lines joining areas of the same heights above Sea level on a map.
72. The author of the book ‘My Experiments With Truth’ is
(a) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(b) Govind Vallabh Pant
(c) M.K. Gandhi
(d) Tara Ali Beg
(d) ‘My Experiments with truth’ is the autobiography of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, covering his life from early childhood through to 1920. It was initiated at the insistence of Swami Anand and others close co-worker of Gandhi, for him to explain the background of his public companies.
73. Which one of the following business magnates has been adjudged the ‘Business Person of the year 2008’. by the Times of India Survey ?
(a) Ratan Tata
(b) Rahul Bajaj
(c) Aditya Birla
(d) Laxmi Mittal
(d) Laxmi Mittal judged ‘Business person of the year 2008’ by the ‘Times of India’ Survey.
74. The relationship between the value of money and the price level in an economy is
(a) Direct
(b) Inverse
(c) Proportional
(d) Stable
75. Depreciation is equal to
(a) Gross national product — Net national product
(b) Net national product — Gross national product
(c) Gross national product — Personal income
(d) Personal income — Personal taxes
76. In an economy, the sectors are classified into public and private on the basils of
(a) employment conditions
(b) nature of economic activities
(c) ownership of enterprises
(d) use of raw materials
77. Stagflation is a situation of
(a) stagnation and deflation
(b) stagnation and recession
(c) stagnation and inflation
(d) stagnation and recovery
78. What is Khetri in Rajastan famous for ?
(a) Copper mines
(b) Mica mines
(c) Bauxite mines
(d) Limestone mines
79. Which one of the following rivers forms an estuary ?
(a) Narmada
(b) Kaveri
(c) Krishna
(d) Mahanadi
80. An important river of the Indian desert is
(a) Luni
(b) Narmada
(c) Krishna
(d) Beas
81. The Nagaijuna sagar dam is constructed on the river
(a) Krishna
(b) Chambal
(c) Kosi
(d) Sutle
(d) Nagarjuna Sagar Dam is a masonry dam built across Krishna River in Nagarjuna Sagar, Andhra Pradesh. It is the largest dam in India. It is Andhra Pradesh’s tallest masonry dam, at a height of 124 m and creates a reservoir holding up to 11,472 million’cubic m.
82. Anantapur district in Andhra Pradesh is famous for
(a) Copper
(b) Zinc
(c) Mica
(d) Gold
(d) Anantpur district in Andhra Pradesh is famous for Gold mines. Ramgiri gold field is situated in Anantpur.
83. Bahadur Shah was the
(a) last ruler of the Lodis
(b) successor of Sher Shah Suri
(c) last Mughal ruler
(d) successor of the Maratha ruler Shivaji
84. Mangal Panday fired the first shot of the Revolt of 1857 at
(a) Barrackpore
(b) Meerut
(c) Kanpur
(d) Jhansi
85. The resources which can be used continuously, year-after-year are called
(a) Biotic
(b) Abiotic
(c) Non-renewable
(d) Renewable
86. The coast that belongs to Kerala is known as
(a) Konkan Coast
(b) Malabar Coast
(c) Coromandel Coast
(d) Canara Coast
(d) Malabar Coast, also known as the Malabarian Coast is a long and narrow South-western shore line of the mainland Indian Subcontinent.
87. Great Stupa at Sanchi is in
(a) Uttar Pradesh
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(c) Arunachal Pradesh
(d) Andhra Pradesh
88. What was the age of Akbar at the time of his coronation at Kalanaur ?
(a) Thirteen
(b) Fifteen
(c) Eighteen
(d) Twenty
89. Which one of the following stages of the life of man in Aryan Society, in ascending order of age, is correct ?
(a) Brahmacharya — Grihastha—Vanaprastha — Sanyasa
(b) Grihastha — Brahmacharya—Vanaprastha — Sanyasa
(c) Brahmacharya — Vanaprastha — Sanyasa — Grihastha
(d) Grihastha — Sanyasa — Vanaprastha — Brahmacharya
90. Who said “Swaraj is my birthright and I shall have it” ?
(a) M.K. Gandhi
(b) B.G. Tilak
(c) G.K. Gokhale
(d) B.R. Ambedkar
91. ‘Charak’ was the famous court physician of
(a) Harsha
(b) Chandra Gupta Maurya
(c) Ashoka
(d) Kanishka
(d) Charak was one of the principal contributors to the ancient art and Science of Ayurveda a System of medicine and life style developed in Ancient India. He is sometimes referred to as the Father of Anatomy.
92. A person having AB-group of blood can donate blood to a person having
(a) A-group
(b) B-group
(c) AB-group
(d) O-group
93. Why do birds not have respiratory trouble at the time of flying at high altitude ?
(a) Their lungs are very large
(b) They fly inactively
(c) They have extra air sacs
(d) They use less oxygen
94. After the Chauri-Chaura incident, Gandhiji suspended the
(a) Civil Disobedience Movement
(b) Khilafat Movement
(c) Non-Corporation Movement
(d) Quit India Movement
95. Refrigerators keep food unspoiled because
(a) at its low temperature, bacteria and moulds are inactive
(b) at its low temperature, the germs are killed
(c) at its low temperature, the germs are frozen
(d) it sterilises the food
96. Select the one which is not a mixture.
(a) Air
(b) Gasoline
(c) LPG
(d) Distilled water
97. The temperature which has the same reading on both Fahrenheit and Celsius scales is
(a) 40°
(c) -34°
(d) -140°
98. Water boils at a lower temperature on the hills because
(a) it is cold on the hills .
(b) there is less carbon dioxide on the hills
(c) there is a decrease in air pressure on the hills
(d) there is less oxygen
99. Source of energy in ecosystem is
(a) Sun
(b) Green plants
(c) Sugar produced in photo syntesis
(d) ATP
100. Which of the following elements is not present in stainless steel ?
(a) Iron
(b) Tungsten
(c) Chromium
(d) Nickel
Part III English Language
Directions (Q.Nos. 101-105): Some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and blacken the rectangle corresponding to the appropriate letter (a),(b), (c). If there is no error, blacken the rectangle corresponding to (d) in the Answer Sheet.
101. Everybody in the office/(a) has left early/(b) haven’t they ?/(c) No error/(d)
(d) The sentence is correct
102. The teacher told that/(a) the students should have gone to the library/(b) instead of having wasted their time/(c) No error/(d)
(d) Use ‘said’ or ‘suggested’ in place of ‘told’
103. He is/(a) one of the tallest boy/(b) in the class./(c) No error./(d)
Use ‘boys’ in place of ‘boy’
104. He was awarded/(a) with a doctorate degree/(b) for his new invention./(c) No error./(d)
(d) Remove ’with’
105. We saw/(a) sand sculptures/(b) in the beach./(c) No error./(d)
(d) Use ‘on’ in place of ’in’
Directions (Q.Nos. 106-110) Sentence are given with blanks to be filled in with appropriate words. Four alternative are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by blackening the appropriate rectangle in the Answer sheet.
106. He knows French and German__Russian.
(a) beside
(b) besides
(c) aside
(d) except
107. His reputation has been__by his foolish acts.
(a) increased
(b) decreased
(c) retrieved
(d) tainted
108. Meditation is ___way to calm your nerves.
(a) a best
(b) one of the best
(c) the best
(d) an best
109. The prime Minister of England called__the President of America.
(a) in
(b) out
(c) on
(d) at
110. The work was___by the rains.
(a) restricted
(b) prevented
(c) hampered
(d) obstructed
Directions (Q.Nos. 111-115) : Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
(a) insist
(b) persist
(c) refrain
(d) resist
(a) constant
(b) unknown
(c) biased
(d) fake
(a) expert
(b) specialist
(c) generalist
(d) beginner
(a) thoughtless
(b) unintentional
(c) insane
(d) unintelligent
(a) insane
(b) rough
(c) infertile
(d) lush
Directions (Q.Nos. 116-120) : Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
(a) poverty
(b) influence
(c) neglect
(d) semblance
(a) increase
(b) improve
(c) introduce
(d) decrease
(a) challenge
(c) conform
(d) compete
(a) tactful
(b) violent
(c) faithful
(a) inadequate
(b) immature
(c) uncomfortable
(d) unconcerned
Directions (Q.Nos. 121-125) Four alternative are given for the idiom I phrase underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom /phrase and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
121. The two famous writers crossed swords with each other on every issue
(a) fought physically
(b) crossed the road on meeting
(c) took different routes
(d) disagreed
122. The traffic came to a stand still after the heavy downpour of rain.
(a) complete halt
(b) accident spot
(c) diversion
(d) confused disorder
123. Do not run down your friends in public.
(a) fight with
(b) follow
(c) make a mention of
(d) criticise
124. Most parents find it difficult to make both ends meet because of inflation.
(a) to lead a lavish life
(b) to live within one’s income
(c) to live a miserly life
(d) to lead an active life
125. The students were advised to pore over the lessons thoroughly.
(a) go through
(b) go down
(c) go off
(d) go out
Directions (Q.Nos. 126-130): A part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given alternative to the underlined part at (a), (b) and (c) which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, your answer is (d).
126. The workers looked run down.
(a) happy
(b) relaxed
(c) exhausted
(d) No improvement
127. The relatives comforted the old man whose wife had died.
(a) sympathized with
(b) pitied
(c) consoled
(d) No improvement
128. They obtained the top-secret information by wrong meads.
(a) clever
(b) fraudulent
(c) bad
(d) No improvement
129. His speech was broadcasted over the radio last Thursday.
(a) was broadcast
(b) had been broadcast
(c) has been broadcast
(d) No improvement
130. Both the mother-in-laws welcomed the newly weds with garlands of flowers.
(a) mothers-in-laws
(b) mother-in-law
(c) mothers-in-law
(d) No improvement
Directions (Q.Nos. 131-135) Out of the four alternative, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentence and indicate it by blackening the appropriate rectangle in the Answer Sheet.
131. Occurring at irregular intervals in time
(a) epidemic
(b) endemic
(c) temporal
(d) sporadic
132. To keep a great person or
(a) communicate
(b) commensurate
(c) commemorate
(d) commiserate
133. To agree to something
(a) assure
(b) assent
(c) adapt
(d) adhere
134. A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude
(a) iconoclast
(b) recluse
(c) sage
(d) priest
Directions (Q.Nos. 136-140): Groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
(a) precarius
(b) preceede
(c) premier
(d) preperation
(a) corespondent
(b) commandent
(c) superintendent
(d) attendent
(a) imaginery
(b) dictionary
(c) itinerary
(d) stationary
(a) pronounciation
(b) repercution
(c) rehabilitation
(d) tution
(a) columen
(b) autumn
(c) condamm
(d) symptem
Directions (Q. 141-150) : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.
Experts are beginning to suspect that one of the major 141 of crime in modern cities is the actual design of the city. Oscar Newman, a professor of architecture, in his book titled “Defensible Space”has 142 the results of his research on this question. The effect of environment 143 crime is two-fold.
Prof. Newman’s research shows that some building may encourage people not only to interfere but to allow crimes to 144 Crowded apartments in a huge block bring people physically together but isolate them 145. People living in what is 146 one building with a common entry feel isolated within their own apartments.
They are unconcerned 147 their neighbours. Some years, ago , a girl was stabbed to death 148 a period of half an hour while hundreds of people living in the block 149 without interfering, without even calling the police. The other obvious effect of the design of buildings is that it affords room for crimes. Hidden nooks and corners, spaces between buildings out of 150 are convenient spots where crimes can be committed without the fear of detection.
(a) expositions
(b) causes
(c) theories
(d) result
(a) published
(b) printed
(c) predicted
(d) pasted
(a) on
(b) in
(c) over
(d) about
(a) witness
(b) show
(c) appear
(d) happen
(a) spiritually
(b) cognitively
(c) intellectually
(d) mentally
(a) essentially
(b) deliberately
(c) accidentally
(d) ideologically
(a) for
(b) with
(c) about
(d) at
(a) between
(b) through
(c) over
(d) across
(a) viewed
(b) studied
(c) observed
(d) watched
(a) sight
(b) vision
(c) visual
(d) observation
Part IV Quantitative Aptitude
151.The sum and product of two numbers are 11 and 18 the respectively. The sum of their reciprocals is
(d) Suppose the numbers are x and y
152. If 3x+y = 81 and 81x-y = 3, then the value of x is
(a) 42
(b) 15/8
153. Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 4. The product of their HCF and LCM is 2028. The sum of the numbers is
(a) 68
(b) 72
(c) 86
(d) 91
154. In the solution of the multiplication question given below ‘a’ is a digit.
The value of ‘a’ is
(a) 3
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 4
155. (256)0.16 x (4)0.36 is equal to
(a) 64
(b) 16
(c) 256.25
156. [13 +23 +33 + … + 93 +103]is equal to
(a) 3575
(b) 2525
(c) 5075
157. The smallest number that must be subtracted from 1000 to make the resulting number a perfect square is
(a) 37
(b) 38
(c) 39
(d) 40
158. Two pipes can fill a cistern separately in 10 h and 15 h. They can together fill the cistern in
(a) 6 h
(b) 7 h
(c) 8 h
(d) 9 h
159. Instead of multiplying a number by 0.72, a student multiplied it by 7.2. If his answer was 2592 more than the correct answer, then the original number was
(a) 400
(b) 420
(c) 500
(d) 560
160.7,77,77,777 ÷ 77 equals
(a) 1111
(b) 101001
(c) 10101
(d) 1010101
161. A man ate 100 grapes in 5 days. Each day, he ate 6 more grapes than those he ate on the earlier day. How many grapes did he eat on the first day ?
(a) 8
(b) 12
(c) 54
(d) 76
162. The missing number in the sequence 5, 6, 15,?, 89, 170, 291 is
(a) 50
(b) 40
(c) 42
(d) 32
163. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, …., 98, 99, 100 are multiplied together. The number of zeroes at the end of the product on the right will be equal to
(a) 24
(b) 22
(c) 21
(d) 11
164. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days and 15 days respectively. They began to work together but A left after 4 days. In how many more days would B alone complete the remaining work ?
165. The radius of the base and height of a right circular cone are in the ratio 5 : 12. If the volume of the cone is 314 cm3, the slant height (in cm ) of the cone will be
(a) 12
(b) 13
(c) 15
(d) 17
166. A solid metallic cone is melted and recast into a solid cylinder of the same base as that of the cone. If the height of the cylinder is 7 cm, the height of the cone was
(a) 20 cm
(b) 21 cm
(c) 28 cm
(d) 24 cm
167. A .single discount equivalent to three successive discounts of 20%, 25% and 10% is
(a) 55%
(b) 50%
(c) 48%
(d) 46%
168. The marked price of an article is 20% more that its cost price. A discount of 20% is given on the marked price, In this kind of sale, the seller bears
(a) no gain, no loss
(b) a loss of 4%
(c) a gain of 4%
(d) a gain of 8%
169. A man, a woman and a boy can complete a work in 20 days, 30 days and 60 days respectively. How many boys must assist 2 men and 8 women so as to complete the work in 2 days ?
(a) 8
(b) 12
(c) 4
(d) 6
170. The measures (in cm) of sides of a right angled triangle are given by consecutive integers. Its area (in cm² ) is
(a) 9
(b) 8
(c) 5
(d) 6
171. Lengths of the perpendiculars from a point in the interior of an equilateral triangle on its sides are 3 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm. Area of the triangle is
(a) 48 √3 cm2
(b) 54 √3 cm2
(c) 72 √3 cm2
(d)80 √3 cm2
172. If a triangle with base 8 cm has the same area as a circle with radius 8 cm, then the corresponding altitude (in cm) of the triangle is
(a) 12π
(b) 20π
(c) 16π
(d) 32π
173. The average of all odd numbers less than 100 is
(a) 49.5
(b) 50
(c) 50.5
(d) 51
174. The marked price of a radio is Rs 4800. The shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% and gains 8%. If no discount is allowed, his gain per cent will be
(a) 18
(b) 20
(c) 22
(d) 25
175.If A=4/5 of B and B=5/2 of C,Then the ratio of A:C is
176. Which number when added to each of the numbers 6, 7, 15,17 will make the resulting numbers proportional ?
(a) 6
(b) 5
(c) 4
(d) 3
177. The ratio of the first and second class fares between two railway sJ ions is 4 : 1 and that of the number of passengers travelling by first and second classes is 1:40. If on a day Rs 1110 are collected as total fare, the amount collected from the first class passengers is
(a) Rs 315
(b) Rs 275
(c)Rs 137.50
(d) Rs 100
178. Annual incomes of A and B are hi the ratio 4: 3 and their annual expenses in the ratio 3 : 2. If each saves Rs 60000 at the end of the year, the annual income of A is
(a) Rs 120000
(b) Rs 150000
(c) Rs 240000
(d) Rs 360000
179. In one glass, milk and water are mixed in the ratio 3 : 5 and in another glass they are mixed in the ratio 6 :1. In what ratio should the contents of the two glasses be mixed together so that the new mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 1:1?
(a) 20 : 7
(b) 8 : 3
(c) 27 : 4
(d) 25 : 9
180. The average age of a husband and a wife was 27 yr when they married 4 yr ago. The average age of the husband, the wife and a new born child is 21 yr now. The present age of the child is
(a) 4 yr
(c) 2 yr
(d) 1 yr
181. The average age of eleven cricket players is 20 yr., If the age of the coach is also included, the average age increase by 10%. The age of the coach is
(a) 48 yr
(b) 44 yr
(c) 40 yr
(d) 36 yr
182. The average marks of 32 boys of section A of class X is 60 whereas the average marks of 40 boys of section B of class X is 33. The average marks for both the sections combined together is
(a) 44
(b) 45
(c) 46 1/2
(d) 45 1/2
183.A man buys some articles at Rs P per dozen and sells them at Rs P/8 per piece. His profit percent is 8
(a) 30
(b) 40
(c) 50
(d) 60
184. When an article is sold at a gain of 20%, it yields Rs 60 more than when it is sold at a loss of 20%. The cost price of the article is
(a) Rs 200
(b) Rs 150
(c) Rs 140
(d) Rs 120
185. By selling 1 dozen ball pens, a shopkeeper earned the profit equal to the selling price of 4 ball pens. His profit per cent is
(a) 50
(b) 40
(c) 33 1/3
(d) 31 1/4
186. A reduction of 25% in the price of sugar enables a man to 1 buy 7 1/2 kg more sugar for Rs 360. The original price per kg of sugar was
(a) Rs 16
(b) Rs 18
187. In how many years will sum of Rs 3000 yield a simple interest of Rs 1080 at 12% per annum ?
(a) 3
(b)2 1/2
(d) 3 1/2
188. A reduction of 10% in the price of a TV set brought down its price by Rs 1650. The original price of the set (in rupees) was
(a) 16500
(b) 16000
(c) 15000
(d) 16550
189. The salary of a person is decreased by 25% and then the decreased salary is increased by 25%. His new salary in comparison with his original salary is
(a) the same
(b) 6.25% more
(c) 6.25% less
(d) 0.625% less
190. Two numbers x and y are respectively 20% and 50% more than a third number x is how much per cent of y ?
(a) 30
(b) 45
(c) 60
(d) 80
191. A man received Rs 880000 as his annual salary in the year 2007 which was 10% more than his annual salary in 2006. His annual salary in the year 2006 was
(a) Rs 480000
(b) Rs 800000
(c) Rs 400000
(d) Rs 840000
192. The numbers of boys and girls in a college are in the ratio of 3:2. If 20% of the boys and 25% of the girls are adults, the percentage of students, who are not adults, is
(b)66 2/3
(d)83 1/3
193. A jeep is chasing a car which is 5 km ahead. Their respective speeds are 90 km/h and 75 km/h. After how many minutes will the jeep catch the car ?
(a) 18
(b) 20
(c) 24
(d) 25
194. A train, with a uniform speed, crosses a platform, 162 m long, in 18 s and another platform, 120 m long, in 15 s. The speed of the train is
(a) 14 km/h
(b) 42 km/h
(c) 50.4 km/h
(d) 67.2 km/h
195. What sum of money at compound interest will amount to Rs 650 at the end of one year and Rs 676 at the end of 2 yr?
(a) Rs 520
(b) Rs 572
196. The difference between the compound and simple interests on Rs 1,000 for 2 yr at the rate of 5% per annum is
(a) Rs 2
(b) Rs 2.50
(c) Rs 3
(d) Rs 3.50
Directions (Q. 197-200) The pie-chart given here shows expenditures incurred by a family on various items and their savings, which amount to Rs. 8000 in a month.
Study the chart and answer the questions based on the pie-chart.
197. The ratio of the expenditure on food to the savings is
(a) 3 : 2
(b) 2 :1
(c) 4 : 3
(d) 3 : 4
198. What is the total expenditure of the family for the month?
(a) Rs 40000
(b) Rs 48000
(c) Rs 45000
(d) Rs 50000
199. How much more amount is spent on food than on housing ?
(a) Rs 1000
(b) Rs 3000
(c) Rs 2000
(d) Rs 2500
200. How much expenditure is incurred on education ?
(a) Rs3000
(b) Rs 5000
(c) Rs 4000
(d) Rs 7000